
Is it true the the U.S is blending there Military Branches?

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I heard somewhere they are blending the Air Force and Army within the next 10 years? They will be united as one and will be known under one name (not separate as they are now).

Is this true?

I heard it from someone I work with.

Just wondering if the information they read was true or not.




  1. Your Co-Worker is on Crack

  2. Rumors.

    Actually, blending has occurred over the past few years with formation of the Special Operations Command.  Now, "special" troops from each branch of service (e.g., Navy Seals, USAF SOF, Army Berets) train together to jointly achieve a successful mission within their respective responsibilities.  In many instances service personnel from one branch will attend "special" schools of other branches of service in order to do the job.   Which, I might add, they truly do great!

    But as far as combining into one branch, I don't think that could ever happen.  Though some branches share specific jobs, they also have countless requirements that are unique to their branch of service.

  3. It's called the "Purple Suit" concept. The color you get when you mix green and blue together. And the concept has been around for over thirty years. The only blending I know of has to do with medical forces. All three branches will begin training their enlisted corpsmen and medics at Fort Sam Houston in Texas. In addition, Walter Reed Army Medical Center will be re-located onto the grounds of the current National Navy Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. I haven't heard anything about trying to squeeze the Air Force's Malcolm Grow Medical Center at Andrews Air Base onto the grounds at Bethesda. There might not be enough room.

    Logistics has been consolidated in the Defense Logistics Agency. Same for Transportation with the command at Scott Air Base. But, none of the uniformed personnel at those commands have had to turn in their uniforms for any new purple suits of a combined armed force.  

  4. The Air Force started out as part of the Army and became a separate service in 1947.  I've seen some Airmen talking about something like this on, but I have no idea how much it's based on fact or if they were just using it as a random discussion topic.

  5. Going "Purple" is being talked about at the highest levels in the military - but I doubt very much that it will happen within the next twenty years or more.

    And the Answerer above that dogged on Canada, the blending of the Canadian Forces has been an overwhelming success.  They are just as effective as they were before they blended, and have become much more efficient and run on a fraction of the budget they used before they blended the Forces.

  6. No...Canada's experiment with that showed that it doesn't work well at all.

  7. The Air force was originally a long time ago apart of the Army.  They separated them out during a time when there was a high need for pilots.  There has been speculation that the Air force would be blended back into the Army since the need for pilots has decreased and the need for ground forces has increased.  According to my husband and really anyone else this is purely speculation and will likely not happen in the next 10 years if ever.  Of course ya never know things change on a dime these days.  

  8. no

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