
Is it true the truth often hurts?

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Or is it that we choose to allow it to hurt?




  1. I don't let the truth hurt me. If it's the truth, and it's something only I can change, I would prefer to be told it straight rather than getting the honey covered version of everything.

    For example; I am overweight and I know I am. So it annoys me when people feel sorry for me and try to tell me I'm not. I readily admit that I am fat, much to the shock of some people who are more used to those who can't accept the truth the way it is.

    So in essence, I guess it really depends on the person hearing it as to whether or not it hurts.

    Sometimes the truth is more painful to the person telling it.  

  2. It can go either way.

    For example: Little Sally likes little Timmy, but she doesn't know if he likes her. So, she asks him and he says no. That's when the truth hurts us for reasons beyond our conscious control.

    Another example: You feel fat. You know you're fat. Being the moron that you are, you ask a friend the truth. They tell you you're overweight. Even though you knew the answer, you simply wanted to hear what they had to say. In this case, you can control whether or not it bothers you. Though more often than not, it's easier to wallow in self-pity than accept that you're the only one who can change yourself.

  3. Yes, the truth can sometimes hurt, but i would rather know the truth every time than a lie. We dont really choose whether it hurts or not because if we had the choice, we would choose for it not to hurt. I would rather have the hurt got over and done with than not know the real truth even if that means being hurt for a while...

  4. *  Truth about wrongs will hurt the wrong-doer if he / she has the thing called conscience.

    *  In fact, others need not point our mistakes. Our own conscience will prick us and demand that we rectify our wrongs or make amends or if irrivocable damage has already been done, to offer unconditional apology and to resolve never to repeat such wrongs.

    *  So, it is good that Truth hurts us to make us live as social animals.

    *  No wonder, at least some among the believers say that our conscience is the representative of God within us.

    *  I do not want to be misunderstood or misinterpretted. I do not suggest that atheists and agnostics do not have conscience. In fact, almost all of them are real social animals and have powerful conscience to guide them. I believe in a Power which may be called God. But I respect atheits and agnostics because almost all of them are lovers of humanity.

    Striking examples : Buddha, Karl Marx, Bernard Shaw and Bertrand Russel - all four of them - agnostics and great lovers of humanity.

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