
Is it true there's a shortage of weed in the Southwest, after the Democrat convention?

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"So Denver is in the Southwest?

Lord I hope you aren't a typical Republican"

Here's a geography lesson, you moron.

The American Southwest




  1. Why, are you missing it?  You mean like there will be a shortage of crystal Meth when the GOP leaves St. Paul after next week?  No.

  2. Want some? You need it.

  3. Maybe, but there's a bountiful supply of illegal prescription pills and plenty of g*y men waiting around in bathrooms..

  4. If that's true, you can bet they bought it with other peoples money

  5. HAHAHAHA!!!...That was a good one.

  6. Well, Rage Against the Machine WAS playing a protest rally in Denver on Wednesday...  

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHA, so thats why all the Democrats are dumb enough to vote for Obama hahaha


  9. The worst part of the shortage is the stupid ******* democrats don't even inhale.


  10. rofl.  Interesting observation if it's true, which I somehow doubt lol.  

  11. probably

  12. whoa like this one time..i was doing this and wait what was i talking about...uhhhh .....oh yeah..cuz i like just got back a few hours ago and we left lots of that stuff there cuz we couldn't get it on the plane, man

    Didn't I have, like, an idea? i dunno man, never mind.

    Anybody got some milk and cookies?

  13. Didn't Fox news report that all the male strippers in Minnesota have been hired out for the Republican convention?  However, the reporter said that they will be known as staffers there to take polls.


    Funny how the Republicans are jumping in and laughing at the joke... Are you all saying you don't smoke the wacky tobacky?  Of course, you all don't.  Only Democrats and liberals smoke that stuff.  If you all did, it would be hypocritical.  We know that Republicans are never hypocrites.

  14. That is funny.  But I'm sure it was all medical marijuana.

  15. yes, but everyone had a prescription from their doctor.

  16. yes

  17. in 1966 I recall a friend making the comment that all the law makers of the future are in college now and they are all smoking weed, so in about 15 years it will be legal..........

    i could use some now

  18. I had a guy offer me 400 bucks for my lawn-clippings.


  19. NO, but I heard the Strip Clubs in Denver saw their business drop off dramatically.  Apparently no ACTUAL men (just those sissy-boy libs) were in town all week.

  20. Once Obama's president it'll be legalized and there'll be no more shortages.

    And half as many depression cases and half as many alcoholics.

  21. most weed comes from canada

  22. haha, probably

    "fight the established order! smoke weed and kill babies just because they're taking up precious belly space...maybe we can do both simultaneously!" - Every single liberal at the democratic convention

  23. So, that's what's wrong with the Libs their brains are fried.  

  24.   That's EVERYBODY knows why so many people were at the DNC and so popular.  Nice going !  

  25. Nah....Sarah's been buying it to distribute in the twin cities!!!!

  26. It must have been what they used to keep all the liberal sheep cheering at every word the speakers regurgitated. I think Jimmy Carter stole the show with his "black boy" reference to BO. Maybe he was hitting the bong a little too much beforehand? I was waiting for Robert "KKK" Byrd to chime in as well.

    TO DAVE C: Keep your fantasies to yourself!

  27. ROFLMAO!!

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