
Is it true there is a 50% chance of us dying on Wednesday..or is that all a lie?

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In chemistry today we were talking about the machine which will be switched on this wednesday coming and all. And someone said they heared theres a 50% chance of dying?

I read the news papers and everything and wanted to know more information about this machine and the risks and everything.





  1. um no

  2. that rumor is going about in aberdeen too! omg i hope not... ahwell look on the bright side the emos will be happy lol

  3. no chance at all for this Wednesday... we have to be here to die on Dec 21, 2012, after all..... or in 2009... or 2039 or whatever other Day of Doom is the current fad.....

  4. It's a lie.

    On Wednesday, the Large Hadron Collider will be turned on, but it will be a couple months before any high energy is used.  But that will be OK as well.

    The LHC gets a particle moving at high energy and smashes it into another. That's all it does.

    But this experiment has been going on here on Earth since the Earth formed. High energy cosmic rays, which are typically atoms stripped of their electrons, have energies much, much higher than the LHC can produce. While you've been reading this, several have passed through your body. And sometimes these things do a head on collision with the stuff of the Earth. If the LHC can create a small black hole, then so can cosmic rays. The Earth is still here, so it's safe.

  5. It will not affect anyone who completely wraps themselves in tin foil for the day and ties themselves to a lamp post.

  6. it's not even a lie. it's complete and utter nonsense.

    the best source for information is cern themselves.

  7. look theres way more chance of you dying by getting hit by a car or getting shot or theres probly more chance of elton john riding a bare with an uzi in its mouth shooting you so you fall into the cast of saved by the bell and you all implode then the world blowing up on wednesday.

  8. It was once believed that Man could not travel past the speed of sound. Lord Kelvin believed that heavier-than-air flight was impossible. (Kelvin was the most respected British scientist of his day.)

      WMDs in Iraq were a "slam dunk"


  9. I'll answer you on Thursday!

  10. I've said a billion times, stop exagerating.

    More chance of dying of ''Coco Pop'' over dose.

  11. It's a lie...

  12. only the ones who watched the video

  13. I've just paid off all my credit cards so i bloody well hope not!

  14. Its all about the LHC atom smasher experiment, and NO we wont die.

  15. no we will not die everyone is worrying about it but it is the L.H.C that they secretly used in 2006 without everyone knowing but no we will not die the worst thing they say is going to happen is that it will create mini black holes witch will vanish as soon as they are created. so we are NOT  going to die.  

  16. It's true, you have a 50% chance of dying everyday.

  17. There is a 50% chance of us dying every day: yes or no.

    And the LHC will not cause any sort of destruction, except to the atoms that are collided inside it. People are just getting freaked out due to the mention of "black holes". Not even our Sun can collapse into a black hole, much less the small amount of matter used in the LHC. So no worries.

  18. There is NO chance of us dying:

    Copy and pasted from another answer that I gave since I don't feel like typing it out for the umpteenth time:

    When the LHC, two beams of protons will go around and around a huge ring, gaining energy with each lap. When they reach enough energy, they will collide with each other and for a split second, there will be a shower of particles that may give us an idea what the Universe was like right after the Big Bang. That's all it does. It will create a shower of particles so small and for such a short time that HUGE detectors stories and stories tall were built to see them.

    Anyway, the Large Hadron Collider is doing nothing new. The same thing has been going on naturally for years and years in the form of cosmic rays with much higher energies than the LHC. We have not turned into a black hole yet, so why would the LHC change that?

    We know two things for certain:

    * It's unlikely that black holes will be created by the LHC

    * If black holes ARE created, they will be quantum black holes that will exist for about a nano-nano-nano second before evaporating, and would not even be able to suck up a proton.

    We're safe. :)

  19. What machine you,re talking about ?  heard nothing !

  20. First of all, the LHC was "turned on" months ago.

    Second, September 10 is only a test to circulate a particle beam through the entire LHC.

    If there is ANY cause for concern, it'll be Oct. 21:  that's when the first high-energy collisions are planned to take place.

    Although I am not a physicist, and don't pretend to understand half of what's been written about the LHC, it seems to be general consensus by some pretty smart people that anything strange that might result would be both extremely small and short-lived.

    That said, scientists have been wrong before, so I'm going to hide under my desk Oct. 21. 8-)

  21. Mondays are the most stresfull days for al people and thats when most heart attacks happen. Im not so sure about Wednesday and what that has to do anything, but if you take statistics in consideration, I say it is Monday!

  22. ohh that big huge scary atom splicer thingiemagig?

    naaah dont worry. well all be fine...

    and hey...if something does go horribly wrong...~shrug~ who cares we will be dead.

  23. Are you serious? Oh noes we are gonna die!!1! No, we won't die on a wednesday. And no, you don't have a 50% chance of dying everyday as these are what you call mutual events. Mutual events means that just because you can die or you can't does not neccessarily mean we only have 1/2 chance of staying alive. Fate also may come into the equation for those fate believers out there. if you are not set to die then you have 100% chance you will not. Also wearing a bulletproof vest, goggles, cotton jacket, mattresses and carrying a gun must also higher your chances of staying alive to nearly 75%. Lmao I am 13 and I think too much. ;-)

  24. WTF? Get a grip.

  25. Not a lie. It doesn't even have to be wednesday because ever day, there is always the 50%. Always.

  26. obv a lie

  27. read this...

  28. the machine is going to create black holes in space. some scientists say it is so dangerous that it can change our world for ever. anytime from the time it is blasted or it could take years. the other scientists reckon nothing will change.  we can only wait and see.

  29. A lie I think.

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