
Is it true there is animal abuse in slaughter houses?

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  1. LMAO its a slaughter house duh!!!

  2. The animals are abused in the way that they are born or impregnated.

    They are abused in the way that they are forced to live in their own urine and f***s.

    They are abused in the way that they are slaughtered and especially beforehand if they don't cooperate and go where the workers want them to go.

    If you are genuinely curious about how horribly animals are treated when people are trying to get money or entertainment out of them, please watch Earthlings. It covers all of the most important areas of abuse.

  3. preching to the choir here

    some but not as much a the PETA personal want u to think

    ---->Chickens have their beaks cut off <----------  its like cutting your fingernail off, it doesnt hurt, its like cutting your dogs toenails it doesnt hurt, birds dont have feeling in their beaks, kinda like animals and humans dont have feeling in their fingernails/toenails

    ------>Cattle are branded with hot irons that are pushed into their skin <------  ok smart 1 how the h**l else r u gona finguar out the difference between 12,000 cattle???

    epic clouds--- get the h**l out of the effin city once!! its not made up of sencitive nerves!!! r ur teeth made up of sensitive nerves??? NO  i do that 2 my own birds it doesnt  hurt

    do say thatabout gray hounds because they do the same thing in those dogs , in the ear, their racing number

    epic clouds you want some proof of the chickens beaks made out of??? here you go

    yeah no **** way down in your gum line

    oh ya i'll agree w/ u birds beaks are sensitive butonly 1 kind of bird and thats ducks

    chicken isnt a duck

    and your website is nothing more then a PETA site which means everything is blown out of porportion

    "Like everything else on a creature designed for flight, the beak is surprisingly lightweight considering its strength – a hard shell of constantly growing material (similar to that found on antlers) placed over a hollow bony structure."

    ya sorry antlers dont have nerves in them so ya neigher do "CHICKEN beaks

      you know chickens are related to ducks the same that they are realated to turkeys

  4. Occasionally yes but not as wide spread as the PETAphyles would like you to believe.

  5. Let's be realistic for a moment , I have seen on TV what they do in slaughter houses and it sure looks like abuse  to the animals and for some to be watching this it doesn't give a good feeling. There is no other way to try and explain this to some because we all have different ways of thinking and behaviours. These animals are destined to be killed the whole act itself is "abuse" it doesn't matter if they are pushed ,pocked or what other thing the y do to them they will all end up dead, the only thing that would end this would be for the human race to stop eating meat or any other living thing that is part of the planet. A lot of people  don't eat meat or wear fur coats  for this reason , but yet when you look at their feet ,what do you see ! leather shoes, they also have leather wallets, belts, purses, etc... so if we are to stop this "abuse" we must also stop shopping for the other things, but some might say no skin off my back!  and the world keeps on turning . Sometimes it's best not to know  things.

    Epic Clouds!

    Did I say that I did not care? Of coarse I care!, my point is do other care enough! do you agree with the seal hunt? I think that their ways of hunting is inhumane, their answer to us who speak out is "it's business" the animals that are tortured are without speech , it's up to us to help them , but don't come on here to lecture us on behaviour , probably tonight you will sit at the restaurant in front of a nice juicy steak, will you think  about "Abuse" then, probably not ! I rest my case.

  6. yes it is heartbreaking and horrible, try to watch a video of this and not get upset and cry, I cant watch them but you asked for links so here you go!

  7. Yes.

    Here are some examples:

    Pilgrim's Pride slaughterhouse in West Virginia:

    Workers were caught on video stomping on chickens, kicking them, and violently slamming them against floors and walls. Workers also ripped the animals' beaks off, twisted their heads off, spat tobacco into their eyes and mouths, spray-painted their faces, and squeezed their bodies so hard that the birds expelled feces—all while the chickens were still alive.

    Tyson slaughterhouses in Alabama and Tennessee:

    Workers—sometimes standing 4 to 6 feet away from the conveyor belt—violently threw birds at the shackles. Some animals slammed into the shackles and fell onto birds on the conveyor belt below, at which point the worker sometimes repeated the abuse.

    House of Raeford Farms in North Carolina:

    An investigation documented slaughterhouse workers violently punching, throwing, and ripping the heads off of live animals.

    The list goes on and on. Slaughterhouse workers are often mistreated themselves and they take their frustrations out on the animals.

  8. Yes. In fact, if you were to see an average, conventional slaughterhouse these days you might think you had just walked into h**l's next door neighbor's. It's usually not pretty.

    Hens are kept in tiny cages with a dozen other hens with such limited space that they may never lift a wing during their short life.

    Pigs are forced into tiny cages like cars in a parking lot and the stench of ammonia and f***s is what they breathe in all day (in fact, most of them develop pneumonia by the time of slaughter).

    Baby cows (veal, most being male) are seperated from their mothers 1 or 2 days after birth and are sold to buyers. They are then kept in tiny pens so small that they can't even turn around. They are not allowed to move so that they won't develop any muscle, thus making the meat more tender. They are made anemic by an iron-deficient diet so that the color of the meat is favorable.

    Chickens have their beaks cut off so they will not peck eachother to death in their tiny crates. They are given hormones so they become fatter more quickly, often making them so large that their legs cannot support their heavy bodies.

    Cattle are branded with hot irons that are pushed into their skin and cause third degree burns (meanwhile being restrained by humans) Male calves are castrated without painkillers. They are given food pumped with hormones to make them grow faster. Conditions for these animals are deplorable and disease is frequent, but instead of fixing the problem, feedlot owners give them human antibiotics to keep them alive long enough until they can be slaughtered for meat.

    Dairy cows are repeatedly impregnanted over and over so they can produce milk. Their calves are taken. They are hooked up to machines and their bodies produce 10 times the amount of milk they produce naturally because of all the injected hormones in their bodies. When their bodies become exhausted and fail to produce as much milk, they are made into meat.


    Sometimes it's better not to know these things? That's basically saying ignorance is bliss, which we all know can be very dangerous. Sure, you can pretend it's not there but that's not doing anything for your conscious or for the animals. Imagine if something like this was happening to you. Would you like the world to just turn their back and pretend they didn't know?

    Seal hunts? Of course I know about seal hunts and no I don't agree with it at all. And yes you did just say you don't care, miss "they will all end up dead". I'm not lecturing you on behavior, I'm just saying you cannot rationalize being "realistic" with ignoring the problem. And no I will not sit in front of a steak, I'm vegan and that is disgusting to me.


    No, it is not like cutting off a fingernail. A bird's beak is not it's fingernail. It is composed of very sensitive tissue and nerves.  Some chickens die of shock after their beak is cut from their faces. I don't know where you got that from, but it's definitely false.

    I don't care how you're going to find the difference between one cow and another. But you don't have to force the cow into a tiny pen while holding it down and shoving a red hot iron into it's skin. I don't care what you say: that is inhumane.

    Teeth do have nerves underneath them near the root. That's why it hurts when you rip them out. So what you said about teeth is incorrect.

    Still don't believe me about the anatomy of a chicken beak, read this. This is a quote from the Brambell Committee, a group of veterinarians who explored debeaking due to animal welfare concerns.

    "There is no physiological basis for the assertion that the operation is similar to the clipping of human finger nails. Between the horn and bone [of the beak] is a thin layer of highly sensitive soft tissue, resembling the quick of the human nail. The hot knife blade used in debeaking cuts through this complex horn, bone and sensitive tissue causing severe pain."

    LOL. That link you gave me is a question from an 11 year old. Really reliable!

    The site I gave you is in no way related to PETA. PETA never produced that website.

    Oh, okay. Only ducks have sensitive beak tissue. WHATEVER. Where did you even get that from? The anatomy of a chicken beak has the same basic foundation as a duck beak. They are only different in shape and color.

    And just because a beak is hollow dosen't mean it dosen't have nerves attatching it to the face. ANTLERS? WTF are you even talking about....?

    I'm done arguing with you. Chickens beaks are sensitive because of the nerves, and they certainly feel pain when you cut the beaks off. Period.

    BTW, that site is about parrots beaks "as a tool".....not debeaking chickens or the anatomy of the chicken beaks.

  9. Well first you have to define abuse. Some people believe the act of slaughtering is inherently abuse in and of itself.

    I won't paint a broad stroke on all slaughterhouses but yes abuse does happen.  Some are procedural and some are committed by the rogue employee that choses to do odd things to the animals.  The USDA inspects facilities to ensure "humane" standards are being met, but again, some people believe even following the minimum standards is abusive.

    You can research the guidelines further on the USDA website.

  10. it depends on your definition of abuse.  personally, i would definitely consider slaughtering an animal to be abusing it.  thats just common sense.

  11. I don't want to be preachy or anything but considering that they are killing animals at all, yeah I'd asume that's animal abuse. So it depends on your viewpoint. If you mean torture,m then yes, many slaughterhouses (all of those dealing with chicken), use some form of non peaceful means of slaughtering and maintaining their 'animals'.

  12. Well it certainly isn't a vacation in Cabo

  13. You're getting opinion instead of true facts or links, already, so I'll add my opinion. Slaughter houses in the Western world at least are well-run profit centres where time is money, for the most part, and there's no time opportunity or inclination to abuse the animals - just to process them as quickly as possible.

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