
Is it true this guy Uri Geller can bend spoons via tv trasmission?

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Is it true this guy Uri Geller can bend spoons via tv trasmission?




  1. Codswallop..

    He has been proven to be a fake yet stupid people still seem to believe in him..

    Psychic Uri Geller was  busted on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show!  "Self-proclaimed psychic Geller embarrassed himself big time when he realized his pre-bent spoons and other props had been switched before the taping of the show"...

    Uri Geller has been demanding the removal of certain videos of himself from Internet sites. In the interest of preserving this valuable data, the JREF will host these video files in perpetuity. We encourage you to view them, download them, and spread them widely...

  2. Uri Geller is a very controversial figure in part because he is a trained magician so is aware of how to perform illusions, in part because he has been caught cheating (by the way first discovered and published by parapsychologist not skeptics), and yet some parapsychologist believe that they have observed him under circumstances that so excluded his possibilities of cheating that they believe he can at least at times perform these abilities (like spoon bending). While being caught cheating does seriously effect your credibility it does not offer proof of fraud in well controlled experiments where precautions have been established.

    Uri Geller and others before and after him is why parapsychologist now largely study non media normal people in controlled experimental settings (only the skeptics continue to focus on claimed media wonders, good publicity, bad science).

    The claims of the Amazingly Dishonest Randi should be taken with the same caution as anyone else that has been proven to be dishonest.


  3. He cannot. There is no doubt in my mind, or his.

  4. I am quite certain he can bend spoons but not through a TV transmission. If that were evident, I'd have to say it was the person on the other end holding the spoon that is effecting the change.

    If he can bend spoons without anyone touching them, then he has grown beyond what I know his powers to be.

    Keep asking the good questions, I noticed most of your respondents were like children. If they don't believe and can't comprehend then they deny it exists and ridicule or make fun of people that don't believe the way they do, adults don't do that.

    Good luck and keep looking, the mind can do all kinds of things your parents, teachers and preachers told you can't happen.

  5. As everyone has mentioned Uri Geller is a proven fraud.

  6. No

  7. I don't believe that he can, and neither does James Randi, who challenged him to prove his psyshic abilities, and showed how Geller could have done his trick.

  8. I believe it it true. Spoon bending. Not uri geller. There are people who can turn the spoon many rounds.

  9. Uri Geller is a one-trick pony fraud. The spoon-bending trick is an old magic trick and just because people are so gullible he is still able to exploit it.

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