
Is it true what they say about 2012?

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1. There have been three or four previous races and ages of humanity (depending upon the source you read). All of these have been destroyed in major cataclysms. December 21.2012 marks the end of this age and it will end in major catastrophes such as Earthquakes. (see commentary on this statement below)

2. For half of the katun (20 year Mayan cycle) there will be food, for half some misfortunes. This katun brings the end of the "word of God." It is a time of uniting for a cause.

3. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war and ongoing Earth changes.

4. The Earth will undergo a magnetic field shift, reversing the polarity of the planet.

5. An asteroid or comet will collide with the Earth.




  1. Really, this is a load of bologna. Stories and predictions surface  the internet countless times per year. Actually, I remember a man who wrote a book about how the world would end around the year 2007. His book is now available on Amazon for 68 cents.

    Bottom line: don't let this c**p freak you out, no one knows when the end is, except for 1 person. Try reading Revelation in the Bible, it's very strange but interesting.

  2. No-one can actually say yes or no.

    It is based on your believes and opinion.

    Like me, I am christian and I believe the earth will end like it says in my Bible. So I say no.

    Now others, mayber more into science and/or just plain believers of the "2012 Theory", will say yes.

    Some say there is scientific proof, others say there is prophecies, and a lot say there is no proof at all. Thinking about the world and all it's trouble in this day and time, nobody knows when the world will actually end.

    So when you ask, "Is it true?"

    Nobody but God knows...

    (And maybe some arrogant scientists) Some Christian views on the subject. What scientists believe.

    Good luck and hope this helps (=

  3. Many are really giving this some thought in the USA.  The weather this last year has been very extreme and violent. Many deaths and much devastation so......can't help to think about it.

  4. It's only true if you're a wiccan.


  5. not really.. i think only part of it is true.

  6. Don't wear Nike tennis shoes and don't drink the Kool-Aid in 2012, and you'll be alright.

    And forget the d**n CFLs. You won't go to h**l for using an incandescent light to read by...

  7. Expect the end at any moment.

    All great empires and cities fall eventually. Whether it be from war, plague, or natural disaster... it's bound to happen.

  8. 1. is from a mix of a translation of a book (Popol Vuh) that some say is a sacred book of the Mayans.  However, the only "original" copy in existence was written by a Spanish priest.  Actually, if we follow Mayan traditions correctly, the 21st the the first day of the new Age.

    2. is a (slightly) better fit with the Popol Vuh (which we don't know yet if it represents the real Mayan beliefs, or if it represents what a Spanish priest thought he understood when he went up to small mountain tribes and talk to the villagers).  However, if you want to be closer to Mayan culture, you'd have to talk about gods (plural), not God (the singular, representing the God of the Spanish priest).

    3 is a set of very recent inventions.  Every time there is a new age, all these "predictions" come back.  In our western civilization, we have new ages every 2100 years on average and we have just "survived" the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.  New Ages are an astrology thing, they are not real.  It is like saying that even-numbered years are good and odd-numbered years are bad (or vice-versa).

    4. The Earth will certainly, at some point, undergo a magnetic field shift.  There is one on average every 700,000 years and we are about due.  However, the process takes a thousand year to complete; since we are not certain if it has even started, then there is no way it is be done in time for 2012.

    5.  Comets and asteroids hit Earth almost every day.  If you mean that one "big enough to destroy us" will hit in 2012, no.  All the ones that are big enough are tracked and we are OK for a few decades at least.



    Your link to "what scientists believe" is written by someone who obviously is NOT a scientist.  The guy has a book to sell and he wants your money. Therefore he will tell you anything that will cause you to give him money.

    Scientists know that the Mayan calendar does NOT end in 2012.  Scientists know that the ancient civilizations did not routinely talk to each other (unless they were close by).

    The magnetic reversal has absolutely nothing to do with the direction of rotation....

    and on and on.

  9. Time doesn't care about our arbitrary divisions of ages, eons, epochs, etc.  It does not obey any human calendar, and it especially doesn't obey calendars of extinct civilizations.

    Nothing special will happen in 2012, unless you count a bunch of loonies getting hyped up over predictions of doom.

  10. I think there have been at least 3 times that someone predicted the end before now, and obviously it never happened. So, I don't know who to trust.

  11. omg no thats not true. the mayan calender ends on there cus its a circle and it has to do with shifts and dials on there and you restart it. are yall seriously going by a stone calender. besides i have nothing to worry about im going to Heaven. and i also have nothing to worry about BECAUSE ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. i cant wait till that day so everyone will SHUT UP. everyone who believes it and scientist yall are going to look really stupid when that day comes.

  12. if you believe one convoluted bit of nonsense Nostrildamus ever wrote or anyone ever wrote interpreting his words, you are deranged.

    that said...

    1. three or four ages?  this is based on a DREAM some guy had.  THAT is the definition of reliable.  "I dreamed about it, so it is true."  yeah, good plan, skippy.

    2. Wow!  a 20 year period with food and misfortunes.... what's the chances?  Really, I don't need to make fun of this one, it does the work for me.

    3. Global convergence, enviromental destruction, social Chaos, war and Earth changes.... sounds like the 1940-50 era...

    4. OH, PLEASE!  as if anyone predicted that! Who, the Atlanteans?  It's fake!  As silly as interpreting one of those nonsense verses by Nostrildamus as "Then the woman who followed the man twice will lead, but before she stands ahead a dark man will be placed ahead of her.  And John McCain will be upset."

    yeah yeah... its just that Nostrildamus is SILLY!  He wrote in like 5 languages so no one WOULD know WTF he was talking about... and now we act like he was TRANSLATED.  Hah!  Watch the d**n movie with  Orson Wells... WWIII happened ten years ago!  Sheeesh.

    5. an asteroid or a comet?  you are kidding me?  you ask that in the Astronomy and Space section?

    To be nice, let me just say... nothing is due to hit us at this time.

    Seriously, I appreciate you writing points down.  Most 2012 hoaxers just say "How about that 2012?" and run and hide behind their Mom.

    Speaking of Mom, give her a call... she loves you.

    and wear your seatbelt.

  13. no

  14. nothing will happen. last pole shift occurred 1.5 million years ago. this will be after 2.5-3.5 million years after. no comet is to hit earth. next big comet which can cause mass damage will be in2035.

  15. omg i just watched a vid tht says sumthing about tht

    it's kinda wierd and funny at the same time

    it mentions the 2012 topic at 1:33  i suggest u watch up to 1:50 =]

    idk whether this is tru or a wackjob vid but lol gl bees XD

  16. I didn't believe it when everyone was screaming that the world was going to end in 1999, I didn't believe it when they said it would end in 2000, and I don't believe it this time.

    Onelove, I'm confused about what it has to do with being Wiccan since I am Wiccan and there is nothing in the Wiccan rede about believing some over-hyped Mayan prophecy.

  17. 1. Does not fit with reality. There is no evidence that homo sapiens sapiens got ever disturbed since he appeared, except a remote possibility that humanity got reduced to 40% of it's population 75,000 years before today. Was not caused by an asteroid, comet, pole shift, Planet X or Mayans. It was a plain super volcano eruption in Indonesia.

    2. You could also trust a horoscope or throw a coin and then believe the opposite. While the Mayan language still has many unknowns, it is sure that it does not have this kind of relation of it's Katuns. Katuns got used to track the reign of rulers. The end of each was celebrated pretty similar to our celebrations of new year - a large optimistic celebration. Especially large as it only happened every 20 years.

    There had also not been any names or meanings for Katuns. They had only been counted.

    It is especially interesting, that even Mayans did no longer believe the long count stuff later.

    3. Does not fit with history. We had always been in environmental destruction, social chaos, war and ongoing Earth changes. You need to be very ignorant to believe, that it did not happen before.

    4. The last geomagnetic reversal happened 750,000 years ago. Does not have caused problems so far, not even birds got confused long enough for becoming extinct. The next reversal will not happen in 2012, as the stability of the magnetic poles is still pretty stable, compared to earlier times.

    A pole shift on the other hand, did never happen and will also not happen that easily. Earth has an extremely huge rotation moment and is additionally stabilized by the moon. A rapid pole shift (faster than 100,000 years) requires enough energy to destroy Earth and likely fry also other parts of the solar system. An object able to deliver so much energy would not be able to stay undetected for long, especially not when it will arrive in 4 years.

    5. Will with 99% certainty not happen in 2012. The remaining 1% means: A comet or asteroid, which was not discovered before, which is even less likely for asteroids. The comet needs also to come around Jupiter.

    As it must be a currently unknown comet, this means also: Nobody can predict it's return. A small gravity fluctuation at the outer fringes of the solar system would be enough to send a comet with very long period known at ancient times on a completely different orbit.

    And finally argument X:

    No prediction of the apocalypse which included a concrete date did take ever take place. And there had been lot's of it.

    Without solid evidence, you should not believe them. Solid evidence means not: Because there is no evidence to say, that it can not happen, it must be true.


  19. The people who write this rubbish keep changing the dates. They have predicted things happening for many different years, and when nothing happens at the predicted time, they change the date to another future one. I suppose they think if they predict it enough times, eventually, in a few hundred thousand years, the events may actually occur.

  20. well we lived the year 2000's Y2K , so i think (hope!) we will manage

    (by lived, i mean software-wise, since it didn't happen)

  21. You should question "why is the sky blue?" instead. No one else has asked it before.

  22. no it wont before the comet could hit earth it will catch on fire and be destroid or burn up in our atmospher.

  23. i dont think it's true..

    but that's just me

  24. If enough scientists or psychics were sure of that happening then I'd believe them. The only problem is they're not likely to put that kind of stuff on the news because they won't want to take the risk of causing a tremendous amount of chaos over nothing. The public would hate the experts and the media if it turned out to not be true.

    I'm not going to completely rule the prediction about 2012 out. Why couldn't happen? That matter is logical enough for me to take into serious consideration. Better safe than sorry.

  25. michel nostradamus says there will be something absolutely

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