
Is it true what they say about Michael Phelp's mother?

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I have heard that Michael Phelp's mother is now using her son's championship title to win a bit 'profit' around Beijing. She was spotted bargaining with a shop keeper and later on claimed herself to be "No.1's mother" in order to cut down the price, which worked, and more than that, she was given special gifts by the shop cos everyone knew her son is michael phelps. Is this true? Hope its just a rumor though.




  1. Yeah i heard the same thing.  I'm not surprised, as i think the bargaining thing is a bit of "do as the Romans do".  But mentioning that she's Phelps' mother to get free gifts?  Shrewd....  but clever.  The chinese people are very hospitable and im not surprised they would give her something or treat her special.

  2. even if it's true, i dont think there's anything wrong w/ it. I mean one of the things ppl enjoy is bargaining when they are in china. And even if she did use phelps fame, for god's sake, she's just shopping!! It's not like she killed sm1 and got away with it!!! Smtimes i really wonder why the media these days cant report on more important issues.... or is it that we ppl just like reading & listening to these kinds of things more....

  3. I am sure that there is some truth to it, but probably not the "negative" spin that whoever is trying to put on it.

    In China, you bargain when you shop-that is standard.

    She has been seen on television a lot, so some probably recognize her and even if they did not, they probably inquired because so many foreigners are in China right now for the Olympics.  Of coruse she is going to tell that she is his mother if asked, and I am sure she is very proud.

    Last, I do not know whether they gave her gifts or not but that is their right if they did-she certainly did not force them.

  4. lol thats funny

    where did u hear it?

  5. Bargaining is not only acceptable, it is expected in Chinese markets, and even the sellers do enjoy bargaining. Their initial prices are high, so they expect and accept bargains.

    Just a difference in cultures. Not a big deal at all.

    What bothers me is that the American media makes so much buzz if Phelps' mom is seen shopping, or if a volleyball player loses her wedding ring while playing, if the Spanish team makes a controversial ad.....and yet, they don't even want to show the entire Olympic competitions!

  6. She'd better cash in on her son, because by herself, she's freaking annoying. I hated having to watch HER every time her son competed. It made you wonder which one was the Olympian!

  7. Bargaining is acceptable in some country, if u can save a little.. i don't see why not..

    some country mark-up prices for the sake of bargaining  tourists. if u don't know how to bargain for a better price, u might ended up finding another store next door selling the same thing real cheap..!! Not a big deal at all..!

    i don't think chinese people is so dumb to give "discount" just because her son is "No. 1's" ...not to mention special gift.

    No way man!!

  8. Never heard of this. I dont think she would do that.. She seems like a great lady!

  9. idk...but nothing would surprise me these days!...she's a nice looking lady tough..the one that is a bit "DIVA-ish" is Michael.

  10. good rumor.

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