
Is it true what they say about pick-pockets in rome?

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Is it true what they say about pick-pockets in rome?




  1. i was there 4 weeks ago, they are all over the place and the gypsies at trevi fountain are out of control. they are really pushy and they will pick out women who are with men, put something in ur hand, and then when you go to give it back they try to get the guy to pay for it. you just need to be a hardass with them and not let them push you around. just know where ur junk is and be aware of what is going on around you and you will be good to go. i would not carry a backpack if i were you, do a messenger back during the day that you can swing to your front or just wear your backpack on ur chest.

  2. Yes, its true. They can be very aggressive. They have lots of tactics. They work in teams. They will shove things in your face. They will offer to take your picture. They will show you a piece of cardboard. Etc.

    Look out for tight spaces, like on a bus. There is a bus in Rome that goes between all the sights and the whole bus is packed with pickpockets and tourists. (Don't take it. Take a cab.)

    A lady at our hotel lost everything.

    If you get approached by children, you have to be very aggressive with them. They will have a child come up to you and try to sell you something (like a flower.) And someone will come up from behind you and rob you blind.

    They know, because you're an American, you won't hit a kid. But let me tell you, you have to literally knock that kid to the ground for him not to come back at you. (I'm talking 12-14 yr old.)

    The Italian police have gotten better about patrolling touristy areas, but be careful and use common sense.

    I wouldn't worry about them. Just be aware they are there and they are good at what they do.

  3. It's true what they say about pick-pockets everywhere in the world. They are always looking for the foolish distracted tourist (or even local). Don't leave the hotel with all of your documents and only take as much cash that you'll need for your time out and about.

    "The mother of fools is always pregnant"

  4. It is unlikely "Dub07" actually saw anyone being victimized by a pickpocket.

    I have walked all over Rome without any problems.  Ditto in places infamous for bands of thieves like Tangiers, Venice, and much of Spain.

    However, that does not mean you should not guard againt pickpockets.  

    Keep your passport and most of your cash & credit cards in an under-the-trousers security belt.  They are sold at luggage stores and at

    Only carry enough cash for the day and one credit card in your wallet or purse.  Send yourself an e-mail message with your credit card account numbers in case a card is lost or stolen.

    Don't use a wallet or purse if you expect to to be in thick crowds.  Keep your daily money + credit card(s) in a pocket.

    Also send yourself an e-mail message with your passport number and date & place of issue in case it is lost or stolen.  Sending yourself a scanned copy of the photo page of your passport is even better.

  5. I was in Rome very recently and had absolutely no problems.  I think some of this information is a little overblown.  However where ever you go in the world you should always be sensible.  If you have your handbag wide open you are just as likely to get stuff nicked out of it at home as you are when you are away.  I never once felt unsafe in Rome, even around the Termini.

  6. depends on what you heard

    they would take the sight out of your eye    


    they would run after you to give you back your phone you dropped   NOT  TRUE

  7. i was in Rome last year and i was told about the pic pocket too ! but i will say that we went to the coliseum very early and there were none out yet. we got there when it opened and were some of the first people in and there were no pic pockets, we were able to walk all around and took pic and had a great time so if you go early i think you will be safer, good luck and have fun.

  8. It's all true, be a little wary and really smart. Good luck.

  9. Yes, there are pick-pockets in Rome, but they are not Italians. In Piazza Navona for instance watch out, Albanian immigrants can make your cellular or your purse desapear in senconds. But it happens in all touristic places....All over the world...

  10. yes it is true!my sister in law had her passport stolen, & she is italian herself!!!

    be careful especially on buses & crowded places...(like an outdoor market!

    dont carry valuebles or a large amount of money with you...

    other than that...rome is a lovely place & dont let these thugs ruin your stay!!

  11. yes, been there, saw it. all over the place.

  12. Unfortunatly lately Rome is full of illegal immigrants or gipsies specially from the eastiern countries and north africa..the police and the govern hardly is managing with them so can have problem with that kind of criminality but dont blame the romans....they are victims as well

  13. Didn't believe it until I was there.  Exactly as the guide books say.  A woman nursing a child stands in front of the entrance to a subway car, people rushing to make the subway have to shove around her, and in the commotion her nimble fingered 6 year old unzips a f***y pack and grabs what she can.  The one I saw, a 60ish American woman had her prescription glasses stolen.

    I couldn't believe it, especially since my experience had always been that guidebook warnings are often overblown.

    In fairness, I only saw it once in nearly two weeks and never at all felt unsafe anywhere in Rome (except in the back of a cab speeding toward Trastevere).  Be careful, but don't worry, Rome is the best!

  14. there are pick-pockets in Rome, but not less not more than in any other big city. So beware but don't panic

  15. There's quite a few of them in Rome and they can spot tourists a mile away. You just have to be extra vigilant.

    ♫ In this life, one thing counts

    In the bank, large amounts

    I'm afraid these don't grow on trees,

    You've got to pick-a-pocket or two ♫

    Oliver! (1968)

  16. i went to rome last year and heard all those stories too b4 i went , so i read all the tricks, had a lock on my backpack where ne valuables wer and had a money belt around my neck , it was better to be safe then sorry and i got on great and its one of the best places in the world , just dont be nieve and come prepared and ull be fine,

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