
Is it true what they say about the Latin men?

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that they are great lovers?




  1. Holla & yes it runs in our bloods.

  2. My friends have latin boyfriends and some are married with latin guys and as some said before there are good men and bad men.

    Latin guys are cute and they are very jealous.  It depends on how they were educated.

  3. I want to say, "h**l yeah!" but I'd be lying if I spoke for all of them.  Obviously it all depends on the individual not the race.

  4. I haven't made love with any man, latino or from other background, and I never will. However, just contact me: true latino, great lover (provided you're a woman).

  5. It's like with any men, some are, some aren't.

  6. It has nothing to do with the race, some men are very good in bed and some have no idea what there doing!

  7. i wud hope not because i want the latin women to come to me, not the latin men. i would think latin women are good lovers.

  8. I am latin and yes, they are good lovers (don't know about mexicans). Particularly, I have only had good experiences with latin guys. Americans are great lovers too.

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