
Is it true when a guy starts to grow facial hair, he's done growing?

by  |  earlier

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i've been about 5'8 since 7th grade and had a mustache since 8th.

my sideburns grow long, my 'stache, beard and spots on my cheeks-which sucks...

so anyway, is it true?




  1. Not really.  Starting the growth of facial hair has nothing to do with the attainment of full adult growth -- in height, in p***s length or in body hair.

  2. no thats not true..

  3. no its nooottt.

  4. no, but do look at your family (males) and see where they measure at; genetics is the root of how we all look or become---body development

  5. no... goood thing it doesn't too... I started growing a mustache in 5th grade.

  6. It sounds like in your case, you might be done growing but I know my husband grew 6" after his junior year of High school

  7. No...typically guys continue to grow until they're in their mid-20's.

  8. No. Infact I know boys in grade 7 that have facial hair... I always thought it was because they just wanted to look like their mothers.

  9. Nope~LAT3$

  10. I don't think thats true

  11. nope

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