
Is it true when they say, You can't always get what you want?

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Is it true when they say, You can't always get what you want?




  1. It's the title of a Rolling Stones song - the video is here.

    There is truth to it - no one gets everything they want 100% of the time. Sometimes you get what you need instead.

  2. Yes, it is true. If it isn't true, then you will a lot of rich and famous people around and no poverty. That would be ideal, is it not?


  3. Have you been able to get everything you want?  If not the saying is true, isn't it?

  4. Yes

    I want a million dollars, But I haven't gotten it yet

  5. Absolutely Yes.... We can't always get we want........ we can get something more or less than what you want.....

    May be sometime we can get ...............

  6. Not legally.

  7. Very true. Let some others, esp those who deserve more, have a chance. To always want to get what you desire, at all costs, is to become stressed up and end up depressed or even insane. My thoughts, and belief. So be contented with what you are and what you have. And smile more!  :-)))

  8. 100% true-that is why,words like..lucky-unlucky,achieved-failed..are in the dictionary.

  9. I think we do not deserve to get what we want.. but we do all deserve to get what a need.  So what do we truly need??? The answer is, we all have what we need, but we just dont have the right thinking to appreciate it.  even the negatives of ur life is what u need to be a better person.

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