
Is it true why America/NASA interested to go to planet Mars because plenty of gold and oil deposit there?

by Guest57957  |  earlier

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...and other precious minerals as well.




  1. That has nothing to do with it. However, research of such materials might prove valuable to mankind.

    The whole point is to see if it's possible there is bacteria in the ice below the surface. They know the ice is there. Bacteria could prove that Mars was once an active planet with life. Bacteria = plant life and a food chain.

    As a Christian I have mixed feelings about it. If God created Mars, why did he not inhabit the planet? Perhaps it was a testing ground for earth? Who knows. I just hope they dont bring anything back to this planet that will have consequences. Research is fine as long as it stays on Mars in my opinion. Even oil! Who knows what we would breathe if it was being burned and came out as carbon monoxide? There might be a chemical that could destroy our planet as well.

  2. May b this is one of the reasons which attracted NASA to Mars. Bt their Ultimate aim is to search an alternative for the earth and to search a planet having conditions similar to the earth for our future survival, and Mars is having very much similar conditions. Tht's why they're spending alot for this mission.

    Bt definitely the minerals of Mars are of great importance for them. America is always interested in taking benefits of other's resources.

  3. no

    it is because there might be sources of water there

    they are taking samples to see if there is any life on Mars

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