
Is it true you can't flush toilet paper down the loo in Rhodes?

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Myth or fact? Can't find whether it's true or not in the back of the brochure...then again they won't exactly want to advertise it if it's true lol




  1. well i went to kos and they wanted you to put it in a litter bin next to the toilet,i red hot,could you imagine the stink.

  2. In Crete you have to put it in a bucket too. Take nappysacks, it is no big deal. The plumbing system in Greece is not as good as the one in UK, that is the reason why. Dont let it spoil your holiday.

  3. Unfortunately it's true. And this happens in almost all Greece, l do not understand it. Toilet paper should end up where the **** go! ( Telling the truth though l live in Greece l still throw the toilet paper in the loo and still l am running free and my toilet did not ever overflown)

  4. Not just Rhodes. Greek plumbing anywhere can't cope with toilet paper. Not very hygenic, is it?

  5. OK..the truth behind DONT FLUSH toilet paper down the the can....ok what you have to know is this...its a plumbers heaven when there are blocked drains..they can charge any thing from $100 to$ unblock a toilet pipe or drain or its not just that plumbers can make a fortune.its also enviromental issue..why ? because you need a treatment plant to seperate the feeces from the forening matter that cost alot of money maintain and intiate ..they do make money from the by product..of the seperation.usally as road fill or to the contsruction industry as filler the way stinks to high heaven at a treatment plant dont go there belive me.. also the unfortuantly the thing in greece is that the drainaige system and pipes from swerage are not excatly up to stantard some new buildings have sufficent pipes but so many older buildings have inferior plumbing..even some have only a trap.where the it get,s carted away every month by truck.but this is what you have to know about toilet plumbing and this also pertains to countrys like england  australaia america..etc... the biggest culprit that block drains is toilet papaer that is super soft...any thing that is made from wood pulp is the worse culprit.what you have to get is the rougher type of paper that breaks away easier ,the reason is when paper dose not break away easier it creats a blob and if you flush coupuos amounts a day of supersoft paper the greater the  chances of you pipes getting blocked ,but dont laugh it can cost you a fortune if the pipe is left unadentant for long periods of time the pipe can burst or crack underground and then thats when raw swerage can be smelt  ..because the idea of the pipe is to make it flow fast to the pit or trap if it's blocked or escapes then u got promblems and plumbing aint cheap...also some ladies tend to throw some ladie things downt there ..thats a NO NO.. WORSE THAN PULP PAPER is COTTON derivities THEY BLOCK DRAINS EVEN QUICKER. what u have to understand is that when feeces is diluted with water it breaks down in to clumps those clumps if they get atached to the super soft papaer they make a sort of glue that accumulates and over time forms a imovable object in the pipes that is when the pipes can crack from the force of the water trying to get through.and is its why we see the water rising back up the toilet .its got nowhere to go cause it blocked when you buy toilet paper get the RYCYCLED PAPER OR THE CHEAP ONE THAT BREAKS EASY.. it may be a little rough on some bottoms ..but hey thats what BEDIES are for washing and we should all wash....and the reason why it seems funny to tourist visiting becuase .you have a better drainge system in most affluent countrys..but hey dont laugh its wasnt too long ago ..they had toilets in the backyard and the toilet was a  steel garbage can....omg  talk about a STINK...

  6. If you carn't and you do ,you are in the sh---?   To be on the safe side i would use both sides , that way you will help to save the planet.

  7. afraid its true , have to put used paper in a bin next to  loo, put it in scented nappy bags , or like i do stick your butt under shower after, its like a stand up bidet, it a minor inconvenience for a great holiday on a great island

  8. True. And it's the same in many other Greek islands too. I know it's weird and I couldn't believe it me either before actually going there but that's the way it is. Anyway when you can't flush toilet paper down the loo they usually put up a sign LOL =)

  9. Its true.

  10. True.  It's not just in Rhodes either.

  11. I absolutely adore Rhodes an if being unable to flush the loo roll away then it is a small price to pay. Make sure to take nappy bags with you after all someone has to empty the buckets dont they.

  12. Yep.That's the deal all over Greece...

  13. its not like you have to l**k it

  14. certaly  is--   its an offes to fulsh the bog-roll down the privvy.

  15. In all Greece and other parts of the Meditterenean you are not allowed to throw toilet paper in the toilet because there is a drought problem and water is spoiled.

  16. Yes, this is true for all of Greece.

    There is always a bin by the toilet for you to put the paper in. Don't let it put you off, remember that everyone else is doing it too!

    I have seen the result of people thinking 'I'm not doing that, it won't matter if I put it down the toilet' & it is very unpleasant!

    In a holiday resort were there is the chance of several people not obeying the rules at the same time, the chances of the very smelly & unpleasant 'throwback' is much more likely.

    After a few days you really don't think it's a problem, you get used to doing very quickly.

    If you really don't fancy putting it straight in the bin take some nappy sacks to put it in 1st, this is also appreciated by the maids who have to empty the bin too!

  17. FACT, they  have a bucket next to the loo and you wipe your **** and put the paper in the bucket

  18. Yes it is true. The bin from your hotel/apartment bathroom usually get emptied everyday. I've been to Greece loads of times and I have never experienced a problem or bad smells from it !!

  19. I have also heard that you can't flush toilet paper in Greece. I have to admit it seems disgusting to me, putting it in the bin... LOL :) It would be extremely hard to get used to living like that. I don't know if people have to do that at homes as well, or just in hotels.

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