
Is it true you can legally smoke at less than 18 years old?

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I heard you have to be 18 years old to buy cigarettes, but you can smoke them legally younger. Is that true?




  1. i dont think so but i see 16 yrs old do it and the cops dont care

  2. as long as you don't do it on governmetn property such as a school or courthouse and if you don't buy them it's straight.

  3. It depends on where you live. But most places, you won't get in trouble for smoking unless you are really young, like under 12.

  4. Sort of. Somebody will pay the price. You can't buy them. Nobody can buy them for you. Nobody can give them to you, and you can't steal them.

    So how do you get them?  

  5. no, get caught, and get an mip or something.  I dont know the exact term but my buddy got one back in high school and got probation.

  6. In the US, a person must be at least 18 to purchase, possess, or use tobacco products legally.

  7. it depends on where you live, but drug abuse is getting a lot more attention so I wouldn't do it if I were you

  8. no

  9. Some places.  Where I grew up, Maryland, you could legally smoke at any age but had to be 16 to buy (they don't have the 18 to smoke law on the books, they just accept the governmental money so it's a weird situation) and 18 to buy without a fight (arguing about the state laws with the practically illiterate gas-station worker).  But all the gas stations and stuff near me sold to you as long as you could see over the counter.  Of course, that was the 90s.

  10. Mary Jane? You can smoke anytime.

  11. depends on where you live.

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