
Is it true you cant get a beer at a McDOnalds joint in America?

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Hi in Germany I can get a beet at McDonalds however it would be very rare and unusual for somone to order a beer there, but you can get one.




  1. YES

  2. i've never seen alcohol served at any fast food restaurant

  3. No you cannot get a beer at McDonalds in America.  Or any alcholic beverage for that matter.  The majority of fast food restaurants in America do not sell alcholic beverages.

  4. Not here in America, thank goodness. We don't need kid friendly restaurants selling beer, that would be a bad influence on them. We have enough crazies out there who get drunk and then drive as it is. Some people are not responsible when drinking. Our county is a dry county, thank goodness, and I hope it stays that way. I want my kids to grow up right and not be pressured into doing bad things. If they are, they already know how to say no.

  5. not where I live you can't

  6. McDonalds in the UK doesn't serve beer either. (I wish they did, though, and that they tailored certain restaurants to appeal more to adults.)

    I believe they do serve beer in a few European countries, including Germany - but not in most of the world.

  7. I have yet to see a McDonald's sell beer,not in CA at least!

  8. No. Not true, at least not the McD's here in Texas.

  9. McDonalds in America does not sell beer.

    Where do you know of, that McDonalds sells beer?

  10. It's true in my personal experiences.  I've never seen a McD's in the states that sold alcoholic beverages.

  11. McDonald's do NOT obtain liquor licenses.  C'mon...they are geared towards KIDS, why would they serve booze!

  12. I have worked for McD's for 5 yrs. I do not know of any location (including in Las Vegas) where alcohol is served in the U.S.

        Even stores which are part of gas stations and Wal-Marts do not allow alcohol in the McDonald's area.

  13. Sadly, no beer at McDonald's in the states.  You have to remember that this nation was started by crazy religious zealots (aka the Puritans).  People here are very uptight.

  14. in germany you can put beer in your babies bottle even, you can get beer delivered to door like a milkman delivers milk, you can get a beer anywhere, here in the usa you cannot get a beer at mukdonalds

  15. That only happens in Germany. Been there done that. America doesn't do that.  It'd be nice though

  16. In Germany, you can go to McD's and get a beer.

  17. No Mcdonalds doesn't sell beer

  18. Absolutely true.  There is a mcdonalds underneath the pentagon, and another in Norad that sells beer.  the argument that mcdonalds is a kids place is lame.  Chuck E. Cheeses sells beer.  There is also rumor of one in las vegas that sells, but not sure.  the other two are facts because I have been to both.  In hawaii, they sell their burgers with the option of having with pineapple.  in Middle east, the mcdonalds use goat meat, not beef, and also hummus and dates.

  19. not here in ohio but i wish

  20. McDs doesn't have a liquor license.  Plus, that would be a problem with drive thrus and open container laws.

  21. here in america. mcdonalds is focused on the kids.

    and also they do not have a liquor license.

    and also just recently i traveled to almost ten differant states and none of them served beer.

  22. In Europe they do, but not in the US

  23. I live in the US and I've never seen a McDonalds with beer. I've heard that they do in other countries though. I wish they did here. Mmmm...greasy double cheeseburgers and ice cold beer...that sounds divine. I'll have to bring some home tonight and try it out.

  24. Mcdonalds is a family restaurant and does not sell beer.

  25. ha i wish

    Not around here u can't..

  26. I dont think a place that has a clown, a playground,  and a bunch of kids running around screaming, is gonna have beer.

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