
Is it true you have at least one dream every night you just can't remember it?

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my friend told me this once....




  1. Yes, you have to wake up no more than ten minutes after a dream in order to remember it really clearly.

  2. Yes its true, the reason people often forget their dreams is because you don't use any of your senses while you are asleep.

  3. This is 100% true. In fact, with a good, unitnerupted night's sleep, the avereage person usually has four dreams a night. So the key to having dreams is... remembering dreams. People don't remember dreams for many reasons. Most of the time it's do to your conscious mind, surpressing or erasing the dream. This could happen because your mind feels that the dream is unimportant, or perhaps it doesn't want to remember, or even look at it, because of a bad dreaming experience prior.

    A good way to remember your dreams is this:

    Go out and buy a journal, it's better if it's expensive.

    Call this journal your dream journal. Even label it if you like.

    Put it next to your bedside, with a pen or pencil, which ever one you perfer. DO NOT use a pencil if you like pens better and vice versa.

    When you go to bed, write down things that you thought were interesting that day, things you thought about, felt, emotions  and feelings that you kept bottled up, and see where that goes. This is called free write. You don't have to include all of these things, just the ones that apply to that particular day/night.

    Turn to the next blank page and keep it open like that. Then go to sleep, letting your mind wander freely.

    When you wake up the next morning (it's important to wake up naturally) don't move. Stay still, and relaxed for a little bit, letting your mind drift from thought to thought, and completely relax. Fall away from all the obligations of the day ahead of you, and just drift. You should start remembering at the least, tiny details of one of you dreams.

    When you do, write them down in the new page. Then focus, not too hard on that detail, let your mind go back to that detail, and the rest of the dream should unfold.

    The scince behind this:

    Buying an expensive notebook, labeling it, setting it next to your bed and using it exclusively for dreams, make your mind realize how important these dreams are to you. The thinking before you go to bed, preps your mind, focusing in on the important things that have happened or that you've though of. This will ignite your mind to dream about something important as oppose to something random which your mind might simply through in the trash. If your woken up by something, chances are, you will focus on what woke you up and the dream will slip away entirely. Getting up right away, or thinking of the day ahead, has the same effect. Letting your mind drift allows your mind to go back to what it was thinking before, which is your dreams. Then, writing down the detail, makes you think about that detail more, which wil give way to the rest of the memory.

    Good Luck!!


  4. I think you only dream in your deepest stage of sleep (REM) so you'll dream only if you reach this stage.

  5. yes

  6. Yes! You dream for atleast 2 hours every night but you only usually remember them if you wake up in the middle of one.

    Hope this was the answer you're looking for.


  7. no... you can sometimes have dreams...but you could always remember a little of it.

    I ask a psychiatry

  8. It is probably a true statement.  I also heard that if one does not dream (most of the adult population cannot remember our dreams with exception of the odd one) they are not functioning like a healthy human being.  I know that I do not remember a lot of my dreams,  As a kid I dreamt many dreams during a night and remembered bits a pieces of some of them...strange how the body and mind work.

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