
Is it true youre not supposed to brush your teeth after getting your cavities filled?

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i had the cavities on my front teeth filled yesterday and i brushed last night and this morning. However my mom said that you're not supposed to brush them til later because the filling might fall off. Is that true?




  1. No, you should brush your teeth and keep them clean. I assume that your filling was a tooth colored one, because it is in a front tooth. Composite fillings( tooth colored fillings) are already hardened before you leave the dentist's office. The patient is usually asked not to eat until the numbness wears off, so that you don't accidentally bite yourself while numb.

  2. well, DUH!

    ur also not supposed to eat for a while.

  3. In the recent days we have good filling materials that get firmly adhered (stick on ) to the teeth so there is no worry about the filling coming off. The other reason why some people ask you not to put bite hard or brush is because the filling has to harden takes time.

    however recent day filling materials are quite good .

    Thats good you followed your dentist's instructions.

    Do not worry  

  4. i guess it depends on your dentist, because after i got my cavity filled my dentist said i was good to go and could eat and brush my teeth whenever. i think youre okay because think about it--they already filled it and closed it so what is waiting awhile gonna do??? if it pops out its not the brushing, its the dentist who did a messed up job!! youll be fine. =]

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