
Is it true??Yes as per the bibble Jesus healed ,,,,,,what about the pastors today??????????

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That i see pastors preaching en later praying to sick poeple en they walk,some who dont hear the hear many things even removing demons , bla bla bla....,,,,,,,,,,,,,l..

Now its end time are all this true ,.i always ask myself why dont they go to a hosptals en pray to the sick in beds in jesus name all stand up en get healed.

,thats can be better,so i need some proof may be an experiece.

Can all this be true?




  1. It is true that God does still give people the gift of healings, but it is not as often as it was in the 1950's and 60's.

    It is the gift of healings (plural) because someone may be gifted to heal broken bones (as an example) while someone else may be able to pray for many different things (cancer, short legs, etc.). And some people may be able to use the gift only now and then, while others can use it all the time.

    Try calling the Pentecostal and Apostolic churches in your area.

    Ask them if there is any one in their church who has the gift to heal what every your need is. If they do not have anyone that can help ask them if they know of such a person or church (group prayers also can work).

    If you do not have a physical need, you could as the churches if there is any one that could give you a message (prophecy) from God. Be open with them, let them know that you are skeptical, but you want to know (experience) God for your self.

  2. You know, as typos go, I've rarely seen one so amusing and yet so apt.

    We reed the bibble 'cuz it's God's wurd.

  3. Do you believe in magic?

  4. 22 "Many will say to me in that day Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    23. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

    Matthew 7:22-23 (KJV)

  5. I believe that God can & will work through a person that prays for the sick & they be healed.  

    Yes, the Bible tells us to beware of false prophets & yes I do believe that there are many of those today.  

    I do believe that we are living in the very last hours before Christ comes back for His children & I do believe that we need to be ready.

    I do think that a person can be healed if they ask believing.  Why all who ask aren't - that I don't know, but it doesn't make me believe any less.

  6. There are such things as miracles.  St Padre Pio was able to just pray for the sick person without even having contact or knowing that person, and that person was healed.  There are some bonified cases as the above, and then there are a lot who use smoke and illusions to make it seem that they are healing.  Then there is spiritual healing, that the person is healed spiritually, rather than physically.

  7. The Bible warns of many false prophets making merchandise of people.

    2 Peter 2:2-4

  8. faith healers are real. i have seen and experienced this myself.

    i also know that the real ones do go to hospitals

    but they are very rare and very few.

    the ones on tv are azzmunchers that want money

  9. Guess you've never heard of a scam. Televangelists are the scum of the Earth. IMHO they're right there with rapers, murderers, etc.

    Those events are scammed, and technically people praising him/her, well wouldn't that just be outright heresy?

  10. What, exactly, is the bibble?

    They don't do this at hospitals because hospitals don't contain large, easily-fooled crowds...a percentage of which are ACTORS who pretend to be healed so that the other gullible people in the crowd will "donate" vast sums of living so that the 'preacher' can make a living without doing any real work.

  11. And people say we are uneducated. At least we can put coherent sentences together, and use spell check.

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