
Is it truth that 50% americans don't know that Sun is a star?

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Is it truth that 50% americans don't know that Sun is a star?




  1. It wouldn't surprise me at all. The state of scientific literacy in the United States is abysmal. That's why creationism/ID has so many adherents.

  2. define star...

  3. Depends on how you ask them. With the right way to formulate this simple question "Is the sun a star?" or even with other questions around, you can confuse people.

    I think, a large group of people will make a difference between the stars and the sun, as the sun shines during the day and the stars at night. But I think, the biggest group will know, that the sun is also a star and also our star.

    I know that quite many people have a strong interest in space and have a pretty useful basic knowledge, though their navigation and space survival skills might need serious improvements before allowing them to colonize space.

    And isn't it fascinating to imagine that there is a huge realm of freedom out there? No countries, no rulers, no laws, except the laws of physics...

  4. That sounds about right.  We Americans love to claim that we're the best country in the world.  For a few years after WWII this had some truth to it.  The industry of the other industrialized nations was in ruins.  So we could make tons of money.  Our standard of living was far greater than anyone Else's.  But we kept claiming we were best while other nations got better and better.  Now our boasts are becoming ever more hollow as our children's test scores fall below those of once third world nations.  To maintain our standard of living to which we had become accustomed we started borrowing more and more money.  The lack of scientific knowledge in America is appalling. Our finances are even worse, if possible.  

  5. I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised. In their defense, however, there are countries where virtually no one knows that. But it is actually basic 3rd grade science in America, so I am not too sure what their problem is.  

  6. 50% of Americans dont know many other where Iraq is on the map.....ehmm....what Bush means by protecting American Interests abroad.....what the word "liberate" means. and many more.

  7. Probably.  People these days pride themselves on knowing the latest football scores and what LOL stands for, but don't know the words to The Star Spangled Banner or how America got its name.  

  8. That would not surprise me at all. I think many people are not even very aware that there are stars "up there" at all. We often go about our day to day lives never looking up because there's so much else to look at. And SO MUCH light on earth drowning the stars out.

    The sun, of course, is still easy to see but since the stars are so largely ignored what reason would many have to even think about comparison?

    I'm 57 and (up until about 5 years ago) I didn't think much about it either. Now it's often all I think about ;-)

    And don't forget that before the 1920's, still within the lifetime of some of our oldest people (who raised many of the people who are parents of many of the other people in your percentage), we didn't even know exactly what any star, let alone our star was composed of, WHAT is was (hydrogen) and how it worked (fusion).

    Humans learn and adapt well but not overnight, give us a few more generations ;-)

    Edit for Mr Taco: With all respect I have to tell you that, in the 50's (when the largest % of our population was born) there WAS no "3rd" grade science. And until the 70's it was not studied by a very large percent of that population....girls. Only the most assertive of lucky females willing to risk social stigma for love of science ever saw the inside of a lab or a shop.

    Just saying....

  9. No, it is not true.  The actual number is 48.321%.  And 78.972% of statistics are made up on the spot.

  10. "define star..."

    yea, theres absolutely no need for a definition. the sun is a star, if you argue that i just may give you the number for some mental help.

  11. yeah and half of the remaining 50% divide in those who think aliens set in on fire and the other half know for sure that there is some sort of conspiracy along with it.

    causing burns ... must be something... made by the soviet

    *rolling eyes

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