
Is it truth that left handed people is more intelligent?

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I've heard that from a right handed friend (So am I) and I would like to see what you know/think about it...

If you have links that would be much appreciated




  1. Yes, it's been proven that not only do left-handed people possess more innate mathematical ability, they are also much more creative than right-handed people.

  2. Ask Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey. Both are left-handed and are two of the richest people in the world.

  3. My dad is left handed and he's intelligent and athletic. Also very creative as far as envisioning things, making plans and using his hands to make it or build it.

    He can also draw well. Can play some musical instruments. Also somewhat good with writing. I really think this is true. In fact he's good at almost everything and he's left handed.

  4. I heard about it.. but I don't know if its true.

  5. Not at all.  

  6. It's been thought for many years that left-handed people are more intelligent.  But every study has shown there is no difference.

    I think it might be that left-handed people think a little differently.  Their minds work a little differently.  It might just be that they take different approaches to problems and come up with ideas and solutions that others wouldn't have thought of. So sometimes they seem more intuitive or more insightful.

  7. I wouldn't say they are "more intelligent" but there are studies that say  that people who are left handed are more artistic/creative. They do very well in the arts.  

  8. I've heard this too but I don't whether it is true for all left handed people. I do know some very intelligent people who happen to be left-handed though that could just be a coincidence :)

  9. Yes us lefties have the power over mind control so if we dont know it we read peoples mind to find out the answers...

  10. nope not so

  11. no there hand writnig is messy  i got a scolar s**+ p 4 hand riteing and im a riteie

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