
Is it typical for my foot to hurt after running 3 miles?

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i have been starting to train for 5k's but I noticed as of late that my right heel has really been sore. my sneakers aren't exactly new or top of the line so I’m beginning to lean toward that being the problem. does anyone have similar discomfort or pain or any recommendations on what to do




  1. It can be your shoes, I would go to a local specialty running store and get fitted according to your foot type (low, high, neutral arch, narrow, wide, etc.), gait, pronation, etc. They are knowledgeable because they are runners themselves.   It can be a bit pricey, you could save money by asking for last years model (can save about 50%), or remember the make, style and size and get them off ebay.  

    After your run, ice your foot for 10-15 minutes, 3X/day.  Take advil if needed.  This will reduce any muscle inflamation/soreness.  If you own a foot bath, use cold water and ice and set the massager and soak feet for 10-15min.

    Heres a link with lots of information:

    Keep up with the running.

  2. Yep, AJ, I'm certainly in favor of a good pair of running shoes.  But you gotta make sure to size them correctly.

    I'd shop later in the day, certainly afternoon, wearing socks you would normally wear to run.  In addition to feel, once you've decided they are the right shoes, put all your weight on your longest foot, bend over and measure the distance between the longest toe and the front of the shoe.  You should be able to see your longest toenail and the front of the shoe with your thumb in between.  The distance should be a half to 3/4".

    So much for the shoe part.  However, the pain you describe could easily be the beginning of a much bigger problem with which I dealt for about 5 years.  Now it is manageable.  I suggest you take a week off running and use ice morning and night for about 20 mins each time.  Get an ice bag at the drug store.  If you detect any soreness or tenderness (especially in the morning), see a doctor now.

    If you have any type of pain or discomfort after, see a sports medicine podiatrist.

    Good Luck

  3. You might have brused your heal, which can go away with time but it would probably take a little longer to heal.  Dr.Scholls makes patches called Moleskin, you just stick it on the part that hurts the most on your foot and it helps it heal faster.  My boyfriend is trying it right now with his foot injury and he definetly feels the difference.

  4.'s definitely normal.

    i joined track & on our first practice ..we had to run 3 miles.

    right after that...i went & bought running sneakers because my feet really hurt.

    but really make sure that you stretch really good before running..because after i knees hurt so bad& i really hurt myself. i actually quit because of it..& i had to wear a knee brace & crutches.

    soo...good luck& be careful=)

  5. No, you need to get some good running shoes, they are worth the money. Pain is usually a sign something is not normal.

  6. it could just be that you landed poorly on it one day. at the time the pain was barely noticeable, but after forcing it the pain duplicated. the same thing happened 2 me with my right knee just two weeks ago, and just by giving it a short break did the trick...

    the thing is that if it was because of your shoes then wouldn't both of your heels hurt? however keeping your gear as up to date as possible is always a good move

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