
Is it typical that most Democrats are so clueless?

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Some people tell me they think Obama is such a great choice for President. I ask them, "Do you like the idea of the government trying to control more and more aspects of your daily life?" They say no, but Obama says yes. I ask, "Do you value your second amendment right to bear arms?" They say yes, Obama is 100% anti-gun rights. I ask, "Do you want to send more of your money to Washington to support an increasing number of social programs to support people who don't have the drive to support themselves?" They say no, Obama says, "Show me the money." I ask, "Do you want a president who can be counted on to protect our country against terrorism?" They say "Of course." Obama says, "Well, lets talk" I ask, "Why is Obama such a good choice for President?", And they get a blank look on their face. Anybody else get this reaction?




  1. i know what you mean, the democrats are out of touch with reality. the democrats were conservatives, then they became liberal, now their just becoming commies if they aren't already that.

    i'm voting for The McPrez

  2. How is that worse than a party that will set off a false flag attack or two to push through bills that gut the constitution and set our nation up to become a fascist dictatorship. Right now all we need is one more false flag attack in our country and they can declare martial law and start running the death camps. I also have no love for the vichy democrats and find myself closer to the greens and anarchists although I find the libertarians tolerable because they at least claim they will get rid of the fascist agenda.

  3. It's pretty obvious that you do not know much about Senator Obama's policies or the current policies of President Bush.

    Sen. Obama opposes giving the federal government more surveilance power, although Sen. McCain would like to. He also supports extending habeus corpus (the right to trial) to those imprisoned at Guantanamo to make sure we actually arrest terrorists and not innocent civilians, although Sen. McCain does not. I would say Sen. Obama definitely thinks civil liberties are important.

    As for Sen. Obama's position on firearms. He does support restriction to access, a ban on assault weapons, and background checks on individuals trying to get guns. In light of the fact that under the current laws high-school students can obtain firearms and use them to KILL their peers, I think this is necessary. People say they have the right to bear arms, but why would any civilian need an assault weapon? You say Sen. Obama cannot keep Americans safe, but his views on gun control seem to do just that.

    As for your point on social programs, you are simply way off the mark. The common myth that people on Welfare are lazy is just that, a myth. The fact is that most people on Welfare are single mothers working multiple jobs to feed their family. One of the main reasons of poverty in the United States is the absence of a father because of divorce, teen pregnancy, etc. Also, if you got laid off of your job because the company you work for decided to outsource (thanks to NAFTA, which Sen. Obama opposes), you would be hoping for help from the government too. You ought to make sure your statements are true before you say them.

    Finally, Sen. Obama is in strong support of opening diplomatic relations with ROGUE COUNTRIES, not terrorists. There is a pervading belief in America that talking to your enemies is a sign of weakness. Not so. President Kennedy, the man who prevented nuclear war with the USSR during the Cuban Missile Crisis, did so by talking with Soviet leader Nikita Khruschev. At the time, the USSR was the greatest enemy the US had. How can we coexist with our enemies without using diplomacy? We cannot. The strong-arm and saber rattling that President Bush has been using throughout his term have proven to be ineffective. His tactics have given us the Quagmire in Iraq, North Korean proliferation, no progress in the disarmament of Iran's nuclear program or Syria's. I think this is enough historical evidence to show us that we have to change our approach.

    You make a lot of claims without even truly knowing Sen. Obama's positions or the current state of the world. And you call Democrats clueless? Please.

    Arresting people who may or may not be terrorists without trial while stating "liberty and justice for all" only perpetuates the belief that the US is hypocritical and encourages anti-American sentiment.

    Allowing people to purchase firearms without checking their background is foolish and dangerous to the American public. People with acceptable backgrounds would still be able to have their guns. What Sen. Obama is trying to do is prevent tragedies such as Columbine or Virginia Tech.

    The fact is diplomacy has worked in the past while threatening our enemies has not. What would you suggest we do about nations like Iran and North Korea? Ignore them? Invade them? Continue to threaten them with no positive results? I'd rather try something that has been proven to work.

  4. Since I don't know what state you've been in the last 8 years let me clue you in. George W Bush's Republican administration has converted the United States Constitution into just another g0d@nged piece of paper. You can now be arrested with no charges, no witnesses, no rights, no evidence, no lawyer, and sent overseas for "extraordinary rendition". You can be phone-tapped or spied upon by any means "just because". You mentioned "government control".

  5. You just don't get it, Obama will have to dumb it down for you to understand

  6. Democrats are only clueless to the opposing side. They don't get where you get your ideas, just as their points make no sense to you.

    Everyone talks so fast they can't slow down to listen.

  7. Yes absolutely!  I wish the dem's would think harder about their decision and what it would do to the country.  'Come to the light' dem's!

  8. democrats are mostly the uneducated, therefore they have a take care of men mentality, those and the profs who are kids that never grew up teaching our kids their dribble!

  9. Unfortunately, the same holds true for the Republicans. It's clear that in this country, the two party system isn't representing the interest of the people at large.

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