
Is it uncomfortable to sit on the Disneyland rides with lap bars?

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A couple of cousins of mine are coming from Germany and their overweight like 300 to 330 I'm guessing, and I don't want them to feel akward going on any rides they don't fit, can any one help me out?




  1. Yes, it is going to be unconfortable IF they weigh like more than 250 pouds. It might just be way too tight, no offence or anytihng. Well, some rides are nice but the roller coasters might be too tight.

  2. Probably not if they sit together; if they sit with a small child and share a lap bar then that might be awkward.

    The rides at Disneyland were made for little kids, so the bars are able to go pretty low.

    However, I have seen bigger people go on rides without a problem.

  3. Call Disneyland and ask about weight limits (300 is nothing these days) and dimension limits - most of these rides in my limited experience sort of rachet the bars in place.  If they just move, it could get awfully tight.

  4. sometimes, if the ride jerks you around pretty hard

  5. If you call WDW Customer service they will be able to tell you the dimensions and weight limits on their rides. I too have Big relatives, so I know what you mean. Unfortunately a lot of the time some rides that were meant for two people can only fit one big person. Most of the time the cast members understand this and let them ride comfortably alone. However there was one instance where a very rude cast member made someone squeeze next to a relative of mine to the point where it was extremely uncomfortable.

  6. yes, its kind of hard...the seats thats what i  mean.... it kind of hurts if u have a bony butt to like me too so yea

  7. well, its hard to tell. you could be under estimating the weight or over estimating. but most rides are designed for a large range of body types.  some of the rides might have a test seat outside of the ride. the only problem i can see if that if you have a lap bar that goes across several people, the thinner ones will have more space to move.

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