
Is it unhealthy to carry & push out 18 babies?

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I know it's bad for the enviroment, what about her body? It's gotta be, right? Just curious! I haven't even pushed out one yet. lol. I forget the chick's name. Pregnant for a total of 11yrs...ouch?




  1. It is not bad for the enviroment to have kids. what is bad for the enviroment is smoking and a bunch of other c**p. God made womens bodys to carry children and I think it must be Gods will for her to have that many.

  2. It's the Duggar family, and according to them - they live debt free - how the heck do they do that!!  

    But answer to your question - who the h**l would want to do that!

  3. I'm not sure on how healthy it is. But remember back, generations ago, women might have lots of kids, but only a few maybe 2 or 3 would make it to adulthood. It certainly isn't natural for a human to have that many, I mean living all at once. The gestation period for a person is far to long. You don't see elephants knocking em out like that.

    *edit* having that many kids isn't 'god's will' its selfish. I saw her on tv saying how much she liked 'the baby stage' and the rest of the kids ran riot.  Were they working? or on benefits? To have that many children because you enjoy it, or like babies, isn't a valid reason.

    It's damaging environmentally because the more people there are in the world, the more strain it puts on the Earth's limited resources. This of the extra food, water, petrol, houses that selfish family will consume in their whole lifetime.

    The family were rough, uneducated and simply a sign of the selfishness of our times.

    *edit, as a reply to sarah jane* she is affecting us if she is on benefits...I don't want her profiting from non-breeders' tax money

  4. Oh good grief, I'm assuming you're referring to Michelle Duggar.

    A woman's body is designed and created to carry and birth children.  As long as she leads an active lifestyle and eats healthily there is no reason in the world why having 18 or more children would compromise her health.

    I find it hilarious that so many people are intimidated by that family.

    Concerning those of you who keep going on about how many children didn't live to adult hood long ago and that's why women had to have so many children- it was the general lack of knowledge concerning sanitation, and a healthy lifestyle (like the necessity of vitamin D for example) that shortened life expectancy.

  5. Great answer keevelis... !!! Completely agree!!!  I get very happy to hear of good people like the Duggers having children and caring for them and raising a more upright generation.  Personally I feel as long as you believe in the Creator of your baby's --the very life source of that child.. He will protect u and keep you and your children.  There's countless promises of that.  Including a universal Psalm 91-"If you make the Lord (JesusChrist) your refuge, If you make the Most High your shelter; No evil will conquer you; No plague willcome near your dwelling.  For He orders His angels to protect you wherever you go.  The Lord says, I will rescue those who love Me. I will protect those who trust in My name.  When they call on Me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble.  I will rescue them and honor them.  I will satisfy them with a long life and give them my salvation."

  6. yes, actually, she is at risk for incompetent cervix, inverted uterus, and even incontinence.  Her maternal age also puts her in a high risk category.  But women have had as many as 30 babies, so 18 really isn't that high, if she can afford them she should have just as many as she wants.

  7. yep i guess so, because her crotch must get weaker and weaker, ouch, that has to hurt! :P

  8. I bet her uterus just falls out of her, talk about no bladder control either......ugh! But I'm fine with her having as many as she wants as long as I'm not paying for them....she better not be on welfare.

  9. I couldn't immagine how it could be bad for the environment.  She must really enjoy babies, and pregnancy.

  10. There are much worse things that people do to their bodies, I don't know why everyone gets in such a snit over this woman. She is not affecting you in the least, so leave it alone.

  11. Michelle Dugger

    Ya I don't know how she does it. I don't even know how they afford it!!

  12. Unhealthy?  Well a lot of America smokes, drinks, does drugs (prescriptions not needed and illegal), and countless other things to harm their body.   I would never call someone carrying 18 babies unhealthy.  That WAS the norm back in the day.  You had tons of kids because the infant mortality rate was so high.  That isn't the case so much now and that is why women have fewer children (among other factors of course).

  13. Dugger is her last name. Don't know the first

    Now she doesn't even have to push, she just sneezes or coughs and the babies just come out

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