
Is it unhealthy to drink Ice Tea like water?

by Guest57245  |  earlier

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Like for every meal and everytime i get thirsty every day?




  1. some is okay; but to drink it constintly isnt so healthy; you should drink some water too.

  2. The large amount of sugar isn't good for you.  Tea has far less caffeine in it than coffee, and studies have shown that people have different tolerance levels to caffeine without ill effects.  Try to cut down and maybe gradually eliminate the sugar, though.

    As for the amount of liquid you're getting, it's fine.  Even though it is now accepted as gospel, the conventional wisdom that you need 8 glasses of water a day is a myth.  You need the equivalent in liquids total, but that includes the amount of liquid also present in food.  Honestly.  Many sources will tell you that by the time we're thirsty our bodies are already dehydrated, but that's bunk.  Our bodies are naturally finely-tuned, and thirst is the perfect indication that we need fluids.  Now, we might *ignore* our bodies' thirst signals, but that's not the same thing.

    Yeah, your tea drinking is fine.  The sugar isn't great, and that much iced tea will stain your teeth far less than hot tea, but tea is still mostly water so I'd say you're mostly OK, except for the sugar.

  3. Nope. Not unhealthy at all.

    Iced tea does have some caffeine in it, which reduces the amount of water that your body absorbs.

    So if you drink 8 ounces of iced tea, you're not absorbing 8 ounces of water. But you still absorb A LOT of the water.

    Docs suggest eight glasses of water a day. Aim for an extra if you want to meet that goal while drinking iced tea instead.

    And use real tea, not a mix if you're doing this. Mixes have all sorts of chemicals and additives. With real tea leaves, you're only getting the caffeine. I'm a big fan of Lipton Cold Brew for big pitchers.

    (I polish off a gallon of iced tea every other day. No harm yet. I actually drink more liquids than many people because I find it more refreshing.)

  4. if it is sweet tea, then its very unhealthy.

    sweet tea has a lot of cafeene.

    just tea, isnt good. but its not like horrible.

    water is obviously the best.

  5. You should probably watch how much caffeine and sugar is in your tea. If it's unsweetened and caffeine free, I don't think it should be a problem.

  6. the recommended limit for added sugar is 10 teaspoons a day for adults. so if you are drinking about a gallon every day and each gallon has about one cup of sugar then you are getting 48 teaspoons just from your iced tea. plus you probably get more sugar from other sources. So its probably not the healthiest drink.  I make my iced tea with splenda instead of sugar. i know some people dont think splenda is healthy (some think it hasnt been tested enough and could cause problems) and others dont like the taste. personally, i think splenda has  little or no after taste and ive read about multiple studies that splenda is im going by that. also try other beverages....

    -seltzer water is good...its sugar free and comes in lots of flavors. my fave is lemon-lime.

    -diet sodas

    -low sugar juices (usually marketed as 'light')

    -diet/no sugar added hot chocolate

    good luck

  7. If you feel shakey, cut back on the tea drinking. Tea is the best, sugar takes all the good away. Drink the tea watered down, 1/2 the sugar... then go to no sugar needed. Sugar will make you not feel so good.

  8. Its good for you but some has caffeine I would try Decaff and even better Green tea.

  9. I drink a lot of iced tea too, but, mine is no sugar...and decaf.

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