
Is it unhealthy to only go pee once a day?

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yeah i only go pee once a day or maybe even less




  1. Yes, that's not normal, something has to be wrong, either you are VERY dehydrated, have a kidney problem or both, or something else altogether.  Humans should produce 1-2L per day. failure to process urine normally can indicate a serious disorder. Although the urea in urine sterilizes anything mixed in with it, other proteins or cells in the urine can be evidence of a serious disorder.

    If a patient is unable to urinate, either due to a blocked urethra or some other cause, the kidneys will fail and the urea that is usually processed by the kidneys will be released back into the blood. In addition, the inability to expel water through urine can lead to edema, where fluids gather in the body's tissues, causing them to swell. Patients who are on intravenous fluids often have to have their urine production monitored as well.

    In the normal human body, urine production is based on the amount of water consumed, minus any water lost through sweat or the digestive tract. The body can generally concentrate or dilute the urea in the kidney based on the amount of water consumed. See a doctor

  2. You know pee is body waste.  So the longer you keep it in, the worse it is for your body.  

  3. Poo is okay, but pee.

  4. Yes. That could set you up for a urinary tract infection or even a pyelonephritis.  You need to drink more.

  5. Drink more water try drinking your 8 glasses a day if your are try drinking more...get mineral water too..or gator aid that always makes you go pee! and remember if you can't see through the pee than your not in good health your pee should be clear enough you could read through it! said dr.oz on oprah

  6. My guess would be you are not drinking nearly enough fluids!  If you only have to go to the bathroom once a day you are probably extremely dehydrated.  You need to really make sure you drink enough water in a day so you do not get sick!  If you are drinking plenty of fluids in a day you need to see a Dr and find out what is going on.  Many serious problems can show themselves in rather small symptoms.

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