
Is it unlawful to take ear plugs to jury duty?

by  |  earlier

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i will be. I finally filled out the stupid questionnaire they kept sending me along with some legal threats :D




  1. just go 2 sleep when the jury is making their verdict

  2. well, you will have to decide the outcome of a case and if you can't hear the facts how will you do that?? jury duty is a privilege of being a U.S. citizen, embrace it!!

  3. hahahhahahahhaha!

    thats so funny i swear!

    dont worry about them being legal!

    if they werent then gr8! and you wouldn't have to listen to anything!

    if they were then who cares! u wont hear anythin they'll tell u cuz u have EARPLUGS!

  4. Take some of those glasses too, you know the ones that have eyes painted on them so you can wear them but secretly be sleeping and no one would know!

  5. i took my ipod with me. they dont know its under my hijab.

  6. I'd get some clear ones,it's not like there gonna examine your ear?

    put it on before you go to "jury duty" so they won't ask you what the heck your doing.

    but then again,how will you understand them when there trying to talk to you when you have to answer there questions,haha you'll just see moving mouths with no sound ahah.

  7. No, not to take them but to use them during trial, I'd say yes.  Are you stuck in jury duty?


    I did jury duty a few months ago.  They had free internet connection at the waiting area for us so I took a laptop and did some work while I was there.

  8. lol. just take them!!

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