
Is it unsafe to throw away bills and letters with full name and addresses on them?

by  |  earlier

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How about if they have full mobile numbers, policy numbers, account numbers etc?




  1. Identity theft occurs no matter what country you are in.  It is best to shred any paper waste that has personal information that identifies you, your address, phone number, or any of your policy, account, cell phone numbers, or any other numbers that can be specifically attributed to you.

  2. you should really shred them with a paper shredder so people cant get that information

    answer mine?

  3. Not if you dispose of them carefully. By that i mean shred them

  4. YES!!!! unless you burn them!


  6. Shred them or better yet burn them. If u shred, split them in different waste containers.

  7. YES! Think of it this way, what if someone was to find your bills, and they were some psco-path, with your adress on there they can easily find your house and do harm. Make sure you tear up your adress, get a shredder or just get some scicors and cut it up.

    Hope this helps!

  8. VERY dangerous. Spend $20US to get a cheap shredder, or at least tear them up.

  9. Come on you can't be serious...yes, its unsafe.

  10. yeah it is very unsafe someone might get ur name and adress and wrtie u a letter lmaoooo

  11. It is very unsafe! You should rip them shreds, cut them it shreds, or go and buy a paper shredder and use that to shred it. I hope that helps!:) Stay safe.


  12. Not a good idea.

  13. illegal federal

  14. I would shred them if i were you. It's safer and no one will be able to read it.

  15. no it cant be because people could very well open your mailbox and gain that knowledge.


  16. it can be. people can get personal information and use that to get things in your name possibly sell your infor. to others that could mess up your creidt.

  17. Shred them...

    unless you want to be a victim of identity theft.

    please read this :

  18. Yes, very. Identity theft is the fastest growing crime.

  19. it is unsafe.

  20. yea it is...

  21. If you live in the UK, or anywhere else on this planet, you should take a few seconds to tear your name into pieces. If you do it consistently, it'll become a habit. If you want to invest in paper shredder (which I never used) is fine too. Never ever throw your information in the trash cans, because people like me and your neighbours may want to know something about you.

  22. Yes it is. Shred everything that has this info on it otherwise you will become a victim of some type of fraud

  23. Never throw away bills with details on. I watched a t.v show called real hustle and they stole this persons bank account credit card details stuff like that. So you should shred them burn them or even shred them then burn them. Try searching real hustle on you tube

  24. You should probably shred them.

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