
Is it unsanitary to share a bar of soap?

by Guest58625  |  earlier

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I sleep over at my boyfriend's some days and he has two other roommates. They all use the same bar of soap. At first I wanted my own soap, but my bf said its soap, its self cleaning. When I sleep over and I shower, I use their same soap. Is this unsanitary? is there a risk in this? or is it ok? thanks




  1. soap is by definition- self cleaning , butt.... who's did it touch last !!!! something to think about.

  2. I don't think much will happen. But I am the type of person who would use their own personal bar of soap especially if there were three other people. Just think of the last thing they wash and the fact three other people are doing the same exact thing with it. But if it doesn't bug you don't worry about it.

  3. umm thats kinda disgusting becuase u are putting everythhing they have on there body urs!! think about it but i dont know ask a doctor or something lol.

  4. humm, ive never really thought about it like that. when i spend the night with friends and they have other ppl there that are going to shower just as i am, i make sure i bring my own soap!!  or open up a new pack..

  5. if they all use wash cloths then the soap never actually touches their body...u rinse it off first anyway

  6. I've pondered this before, and I have come to the conclusion that its very unlikely that you will get any germs off the soap. But, if it makes you feel more comfortable, I'd suggest lathering up the soap in your hands and washing it off before using it, then you'll discard any germs that could possibly be sitting on the surface.  

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