
Is it unsanitory for a guy not to shave down there?

by  |  earlier

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I mean i don't really wanna cut nothin down there, but my friends seem to think i'm sick if i don't.




  1. no that is natural most guys don't shave down there unless u go for the guys lol. tell your to stop being a jackass.

  2. no u dont have to shave down there, ppl lived for 1000s of yrs without doing it

  3. Not unsanitary at all, just practise good normal hygiene!

  4. nooooooooooooooooo its ok

  5. That is your choice to shave or not. Other people do not have to like it.

  6. keep the area clean and smelling good and no girl will care :)

    no its normal!

  7. no. don't cut it if u don't want to. hair [all over the body] protects you just be sure to keep it clean

  8. As long as you use soap and water and clean thoroughly on a daily basis, you'll be just fine.

    I have a thick manly bush that I'm proud of!  And it's clean and smells pretty... no worries!

  9. It is not unsanitory. Just ask girls if they'd like to, you'll see they prefer just trimmed but not shaved. How do you like it? Feel comfortable with whatever you do and tell your friends to fxxk off.

  10. It's cleaner to shave that in it not to shave. But it's not unsanitary. Just make sure that you wash the area daily. If you don't want to shave then don't shave. But you NEED to trim because if you don't thats nasty and sick. But yeah as long as you wash its not unsanitary.


  11. millions of years no one shaved down there, there were no problems.

    its just a 21st century thing.  as in all things, do what you want not what they want.

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