
Is it very normal for my 2 year old brother to have paranormal <span title="experiences?????????????????????????">experiences??????????????...</span>

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My lil' bro sees ghosts alot! and well... he seen a shadow and yelled SHADOW!!!! and started criying...... but is it normal??

help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... well.. also when i was his age and older i seen ghousts too..




  1. tell him if he doesnt want them tell him to say go away and to tell God to stop letting him see them

  2. If it was normal they wouldnt call it paranormal.

  3. Yes this is quite normal as it happens to a lot of young children.

  4. Perhaps I am missing the paranormal part. Young children do not have the same concepts of what can and cannot occur in the physical world. At age two, they are 1) learning identifiers for objects, 2) starting to learn cause / effect relationships, 3) starting to grasp what is safe or unsafe to their physical well being. Just because your brother says shadow and cries, does not mean it is a ghost. It could mean he is frightened of some other object that he associates with the word. It may mean he simply recognizes the word shadow and crying as a means of getting attention. It could be a number of factors.

    I know at one point, my son once told me he was afraid of an invisible mario brother and started crying. I never felt the ghost of Nintendo was haunting my family.

  5. Young children are better at seeing paranormal stuff than us. His senses are high right now but his will most likely drop as he gets older.Don&#039;t sweat it. He may have heard some ghost stories and is scared of them.

  6. Most paranormal investigators have noticed that children tend to be far more open to so-called paranormal activity (the only thing really paranormal about it is the ability to perceive it, which isn&#039;t common, but seems perfectly normal in children under school age).

    As we get older, we learn things like &quot;there&#039;s no such thing as...&quot; and this can hamper perception, and even cause conflicts, because then the world doesn&#039;t make as much sense. What we learn is to mistrust the perceptions of others, and even to stop paying attention to things that make us uncomfortable.

    In general, shadows and ghosts won&#039;t hurt anyone. In the cases where someone was injured, they &quot;felt&quot; that the ghost was angry before it happened, and generally provoked a response with things like aggressiveness and harsh language. In 150 years of ghost hunting history, I&#039;m aware of only one case where a ghost caused someone&#039;s death, and that was by heart attack (scared someone with a heart condition, who then went into fibrillation). In general, it&#039;s better to treat ghosts with respect, and request firmly, but politely, that they try not to upset your brother.

    Ghosts were people too, right?

    If they don&#039;t back off, it may be time to call in the investigators, some of whom may be found through the TAPS family. None of those investigators charge, and though I&#039;m not a TAPS Family member, I still do hold them in high regard. In 15 years of my own investigation, I tend to be picky about whom I&#039;d work with, and though I&#039;m no longer able to be in the field due to a sudden health issue, these folks tend to be professional and direct.

  7. Young children have very vivid imaginations.

  8. i saw ghosts a lot when i was younger, i still see them ,but not as much. but i dont think a lot of kids see ghosts ,but they might !

  9. It depends on who you ask and their definition of normal.  I don&#039;t recall that far back, but I have seen them all my life.  I think that it is normal for me yet extrordinary to others.  Only time will tell if it will be for him as well.

  10. There&#039;s a theory that very young children are more aware of what&#039;s happening in the world around them and are more inclined to see and feel things that adults no longer can see and feel.  One could argue that an imaginary friend is real, but only the child is able to sense the friend...

    Chances are he&#039;ll grow out of it, especially if your family doesn&#039;t give credence to his claims.  Eventually he may stop being able to see what he&#039;s seeing now.

  11. The younger the person is the more apt they are going to see paranormal things. When he does you can say out loud.

    &quot;Leave our house, leave us alone, you are dead, go away, we don&#039;t want you here&quot;

    Or simpley tell him that he can say &quot;go away&quot; when he sees things that scare him.

    Make sure this gets taken care of he need not be scared.

    Use the sage and holy water method if you think your house needs it.

  12. Well younger children can sense things we can&#039;t. My nephew is like that. He is two also. He will not use my moms bathtub because he swears there&#039;s a monkey in there.

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