
Is it very wrong to collect snails in my garden and throw them over the hedge into my neighbours neglected...

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  1. Sorry to say this, but your totally wasting your time as the cunning little sods will make their way straight back to your garden. They tend to like the one place and will keep making their way back over and over again. They are as good as homing pigeons, probably better. I know it makes you feel good when they land next door, especially when no one sees you. Try painting their shells and wait and see how long it takes each one to get back. Better throwing the cat poo, if it comes back then your neighbour has sussed you. Naughty Boy!! You don't live next door to me, do you?

  2. the snails will be better fed on the other side anyway,everyone's a winner,they might keep the grass down a bit too.

  3. It's the right and proper thing to do.If he kept his garden nice, then you wouldn't do it. Although I would carry on, it's much more fun!

  4. Yes you will make the snails dizzy.

  5. i do the same to my neigbours nice garden...haha.

  6. Well it's not very nice and the snails will probably just come back into your healthy garden.  

  7. Id say NO cos you probably get them thrown from his garden to start with  

  8. Perhaps you should get an RSPCA medal for helping those little snails find their way home?

  9. course not, just try not to hit the neighbours

  10. Stick 'em up your j**s eye.

  11. Grow up  

  12. So its you is it? Thats why my garden is over grown, I have a fear of Snails, vicious ikkle sods they are, take your arm off if you let them, sly too, creepin about, waiting for you, and then as soon as your not looking....VROOM, they're off, like a rocket.

  13. Oh dear i am also guilty of doing that.Now I get hedgehogs so they get the slugs &

  14. The problem with snails is that they climb walls and fences - we even have them coming into our first floor bedroom when the window is open in the summer.  So you could find the same ones are back the next night.

    You could collect them in a container with a lid, then relocate them some distance from your house.  I do this with spiders - I take them shopping and release them in the Town!

  15. Hahahaha, Is this a real question????

  16. A better way would be to place them in a birdbath or other wide, shallow container so that the birds can feasts off them.  

    Throwing them into your neighbor's yard is just plain wrong and you know it.

  17. So what do you do with the slugs and puppy dogs tails? Only if they crushed under foot it is.

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