
Is it warm in the philippines?is this a question? is it on topic? or could it be considered chatting?

by  |  earlier

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maybe its sarcasm,hmmm it doesn't seem offensive!




  1. To your first question - yes

    To your 2nd question - yes

    To your 3rd question - yes

    To the last question - it depends.  Some are so daft and so shallow they cannot recognize a real question from chatting they would act on impulse and report you for a violation that is not a violation at all.  Can't win them all, can we?

  2. Is it warm in the philippines? THIS is relative, but their's is a tropical climate & being an archipelago of 7,100 islands there would be  constant sea breezes. And depending on the season, where there is constant rain, or there is heat & humidity or the temperate times of October to February.

    is this a question? YES

    is it on topic? YES

    or could it be considered chatting? I do not want to answer this q in here. But I can refer you to this link:

  3. Is it warm in the philippines?  Yes it is but not nearly as hot and humid as the doggone Houston weather.

    Is this a question?  Yes because it is answerable by "yes" or "no".

    Is it on topic?  Yes it is.  

    Or could it be considered chatting?  Anytime you ask for factual information (like weather or directions or for peoples' opinions), it is not chatting.  The bigger problem is some users are not well versed in yahoo guidelines that they are whimsical in their reporting.  

  4. yes it is warm in the philippines

  5. Hahaha Ken, you're bored?  We used to call that "flicking matches at the gas can".  Semper Fi,  Devil Dog.  Keep workin it somebody will bite.

  6. yes, yes, yes, no respectively.  

  7. hot is an understatement . usually about 93 degrees F , often humidity about 90%  

  8. Depending on which part of the Philippines one  lives. I came from the south and  we never find  the necessity to use   electric fan even during the day. The  same thing in  the northern part of the philippines especially,  Baguio City. The  people there wear  sweaters/jackets even at noontime. In Manila, it's not  only  warm but  unbearably hot  all throughout the year.

  9. warm?? yeah but you dont even feel the warm of it because its too humid. Philippines is more humid than warm/hot.  

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