
Is it weird for a 19-year-old guy to be interested in a girl who's 16?

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There's a girl at my work who's cute and we're both half-Filipino, and I'm kind of interested in her, but she's so quiet. She won't look at me straight in the eye usually if I'm near, but we glance at each other sometimes.

I'm not into s*x straight away and if the right girl comes my way, I can wait for s*x. I'd actually prefer it that way since I'm a virgin anyway.

But I don't know if it's weird if a 19 year old likes a 16 year old girl.

I also don't know if she's being shy around me (even through I've tried breaking the ice a little with her) because she likes me or she knows I'm interested and doesn't want anything to do with me. Maybe she's intimidated by me too.




  1. i dont think so, there are a  lot of ppl who date outside of their age, especially at my school. i think she may not think ur interested and may not want to "make a fool of herself" cuz most girls choke up over an attractive guy... i think u should flirt with her and let her know that ur interested, trust me if shes into u, she will be flattered!

    smile and make her laugh, we love to laugh!

    just dont be afraid to talk to her, u deff. sound really sweet, u would wait to have s*x, what girl wouldnt want u lol

    good luck =]

  2. maybe she does like you, she must be just shy or think that you dont like her or omsehitng becuase your 19, trust me, if she likes you she probably thinks you dont becuase of the age difference, but uhmm idk try talking ot her more and complimenting her and stuff, even shy girls like it. she might not react in a great way, but she'll like it. then things will fall into place from there:)

  3. Nope, it pretty normal. Three years isn't much of an age gap anyway. If you really like her, try talking to her. Start with work related stuff, then if she seems to like you, ask her out for a coffee.

    good luck-x

  4. nah 3 years isnt that big of a deal, later on, it might seem like it now

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