
Is it weird for a girl to be the best man in your wedding?

by Guest62506  |  earlier

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I know I already asked this question, but I have something else to add to it.

My best friend just proposed to his girlfriend, we have been friends forever, he's like my brother. He's asked me to be his best man, but is that weird? We always said that we would do this, but now that it is coming down to it, I just don't know!

Also they are getting married in a Catholic Church... I am not Catholic and I know that this does not matter, but will a Catholic priest let this happen?




  1. I'm honestly not sure if a Catholic priest would be okay with this... you would have to check... but I don't understand why he would object. Other than that, if you feel comfortable, I think it is great. If you are his best friend and he wants you to be a large part of your special day, I think you should go for it. You can pick your own dress or one to match the bridesmaids. If you feel comfortable with it, I'm sure he would really appreciate it. Good luck.

  2. I think thats awesome.  As for the catholic church I dont know I would check with the preist

    HAVE FUN with it who cares what the norm is

  3. It's certainly not traditional, but it's more common these days than you'd think!

    My husband's best friend and her husband stood for him at our wedding (while I had the traditional bride's maid).  It was fun, a little different and very memorable.

    If everyone involved is ok with it, then I see no reason not to do it!

    Have fun!

  4. Yes, it's unusual and it's not a common thing since the title itself said bestMAN. But hey, if both parties are ok, why not?

    I'm not a catholic either so ask the priest.

    Good luck.

  5. This depends entirely on the bride!  Roles are changing in the 21st century and it's no longer taboo for the groom to have female groomsmen and for the bride to have "bridesmen". If the groom has chosen a family member, this is not likely to be a point of contention, however the bride may be a bit miffed at his choice of an ex or a close female friend depending upon the groom's history and current relationship with this person.

    It's best not to rock the boat on your big day. The bride and groom should eliminate as many potentially awkward situations as they can in attempt at smooth sailing toward the honeymoon and life beyond!

    Cheers & Good Luck!  

  6. The bride and groom can do anthing they want for their wedding, so it is completely fine, i think it will be something unique and very awsome and cute to see!

    As for the catholic church, they will not care as long as you are of legal age and can sign the witness of the ceremony part!

  7. I guess you would be more of a Best Pal...

    I don't see why a Catholic Church priest wouldn't allow it... It's not like you are going to be dressed as a man (are you?)

    Here's an example of it being done before... and she still wore a dress!

  8. The priest won't care, all that matters is that you are of legal age to sign the register.

    Although if they're really conservative they might object to you not being RC. They're not supposed to do this, but there's really nothing that can be done to stop this.  

  9. LOL..I think that is very cute.  My fiance's best friend is also a girl, but she is going to be a bridesmaid.  Well, the only thing you have to worry about is the bachelor party..which the "best man" is supposed to throw.  I think you guys should do it, it is always fun to be a little different.  

  10. no

  11. I would feel much more comfortable being a bridesmaid - after all, the wedding party is for the couple, they just divide up sides by gender.

    If you were getting married and had a brother, you would want him to be a groomsman.

  12. not anymore it's not. I was just at a wedding that had groomsmaids. not necessarily a bestman being female. But todays weddings you can do just about anything. A catholic priest better let it happen.  

  13. Well, I personally would not like it if my boyfriend wanted a female as his "best man" so I think you should be sure that the bride is ok with it as well.

    Call me traditional, but i think some things should just stay as they are (Bride w/ female bridesmaids & Groom w/ male groomsmen)

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