
Is it weird or crazy to make your dogs food?

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My fiance and I just bought a 1 1/2 year old lab. I wanted to start making the dogs food and found recipes on line for it. I figured it would save me money while giving me piece of mind knowing w/ is being put into my dogs food. I had a dog die from a brain tumor 2 years ago. I am getting past it and moving on now, but still wonder if the cancer could have been from what was in his food or pesticides. I want to make sure that this dog is going to be healthy and strong. My fiance thinks that I am crazy and that a dog is a dog; Basically a dog should only eat dog food. He thinks I am going WAY over board with it. Does anyone agree or disagree?? Is it more beneficial to make the dogs food?




  1. Not weird or crazy at all, plenty of people feed BARF/RAW diets. But don't expect to save any money. You'll likely end up spending far more by making his food yourself.

    Whether or not it is beneficial is a point of contention, and really depends on who you ask. Hardcore BARF/RAW feeders will always insist it is, and some experts agree with them. On the other hand, some experts say it isn't, and that is can even be quite harmful if done wrong. There are many opinions on it, and one really can't be called more correct than the other, because there is little solid proof of either stance being more correct than the other.

    There are many extremely high-quality dog foods out there, so if you are worried about his nutritional needs being met, you really should look into those before you begin a do-it-yourself diet. I wholeheartedly recommend Orijen dry dog food for it's high-quality ingredients and focus on species-appropriate nutrition.

  2. Proper dog food is not what we buy in sacks or cans, its the food which they would eat in the wild. I studied raw diets and bought several books. I also bought an additional freezer and a food processor. I cultivated the local butchers and I was determined to feed my dogs a healthy diet and they hated it. I have only one dog now and she gets boring unhealthy food from a sack.

    Don't just look up recipes, your dog need a  balanced diet. You can download books free from the Internet which are great help in ensuring that you provide a healthy diet.. Raw meaty bones are the basics of a healthy diet, however NEVER EVER give your dog cooked bones. Beware there are numerous vets who object to a raw diet, thankfully others do not.  

  3. Seriously, don't buy dog food. IT IS SUCH A RIP!

    So expensive and most of it is not even meat, or atleast not meat of any nutrition for the dog.

    We feed our dog raw chicken necks. They are so good for their teeth, really easy & convenient to store/prepare, and VERY CHEAP. (you can get a kilo for $3 in Australia).

  4. I don't know how it would be cheaper, and it depends on what diet you're going with. I think it's a great idea if you can commit to it.

    If you are going to be preparing your dogs meal, I would go with a RAW diet.

  5. I think something like brain cancer can be hereditary

  6. Hi there, haven't read anyone else's responses so sorry if I repeat.

    However My fiancee and I feed our 9 and 7 month old English Staffordshire Terriers rice with veges, any of our left overs and a lot of bones to chew. The only "dog food" we buy them is dog biscuits which we only give them minimal of. And our dogs have the whitest teeth I've ever seen, have minimal body fat (are such little balls of muscle) and REALLY shiny coats. So I would REALLY recommend feeding your dog fresh food or cooked meals.

  7. I haven't fed my dogs kibble for over 6 years, I feed them raw. My husband thought I was nuts too when I started raw feeding but since I was doing the feeding I did it anyway. If you're going to home prepare the food make sure you have a good understanding of a canine's nutritional needs, do your research. And by the way, never feed your dog cooked bones, the cooking removes all the moisture and they become brittle, splinter and are dangerous.  

  8.     It is usually more expensive and def time consuming but for 1 dog if you want it go for it. I have 6 dogs plus fosters so use a top brand dog food and feed veggies, fruits and raw medallions. Getting the formula right would be more than I want to do with all the supplements you need to add. I microwave meals for me so mixing and/or cooking for the dogs is not my cup of tea. And the dogs I have known on raw diets looked like c**p but were on balanced ?diets supposedly. One sells her formula and breeds her dogs.  

  9. No, if it is done right, it is way better for your dog than the store-bought stuff. BUT please consult your vet first.  

  10. Wow, I never even knew you could make up your dog'd food. It sounds like a great idea to me. I have already decided that when I have children, I will be making their baby food instead of buying the commercial one and I think it's excellent that you can make dog food. WOuld you be able to put up a few links for me? Thanks :)

  11. No your not CRAZY!! Commercial dog food have been reported to may have been the cause of tumors/cancer and early deaths in pets. I have prepared by German Shepherd´s meals for about 2 1/2 months and it wasn´t cheap. I had to purchase special vitamins which are not veggies and rice for his (dogs)special needs and the right amount of sodium and omega 3-6 for his coat!! I mean I was in the kitchen most of the time cooking daily for my family and 2 hours every 2 days for my Patrick!!!

    So, I had to make a decision. more time in the kitchen or more time with my family and pet? You chose.  

  12. Its not crazy, but I'd stay away from those recipes. First Onion is toxic to dogs, garlic can be as well. Second, your dog doesn't need flour, or veggies, and most importantly those recipes are NOT nutritionally balanced.

    I prepare my dogs own meals, but I feed prey model raw. Some do homecooking for their dogs, but I went the raw route, its easier to just thaw some meat and give it to the dog.

    More information can be found here about the diet I feed;...

    If you really want to homecook I suggest checking out the Home Prepared Food and Recipes forum here

  13. I don't think your that crazy.  I mean I mix it up pretty much.  I feed my dogs dog food along with cooking them something usually, I mean they are usually leftovers of what we had for dinner but who cares they deserve a nice treat.  

  14. It can vary really.

    If cooking the dogs food you need to make sure that it has the daily requirements.

    The first recipe I saw was liver. It's not overly wise to give your pets too much liver because it has so much Vitamin A. Dogs can make this on their own but for cats it must be supplied.

    I can go on about various Vitamins and Minerals, but in the long run its fine to give your dog both normal dog food and home cooked food.

    Just make sure you don't give them cooked bones, raw meaty bones are fine however.

  15. Cheaper, sorry to say not in the long run.  Is it good for the dog, yes.  As long as you are balancing the food and giving vitamin supplements if necessary.  The only issue would be if you were unable to cook for the dog, or had to have him stay with the vet while on vacation . . . would he refuse to eat canned food or kibble?  

    Remember some of the most active growing periods of the dogs life he was probably fed canned food/kibble.  It's not to say you could not purchase the best food out there for him.  You can also supplement the dog food you purchase, my dog loves fresh/steamed veggies.  I also make homemade 'dog treats' for my pooch.  

  16. You certainly can make your own dog food. Here is a recipe that I use for my doggy stew

    Beef or chicken mince or pieces

    Bones (which I take out after cooking and discard)

    Vegetable peelings (most of the Vitamins are in the peelings) and cut up vegetables.

    Pasta or rice

    Garlic, just a little

    Vegemite (not too much as it is salty but also full of vitamins)

    just cover with a little water and boil until is cooked. I add some dry food  after the stew is cooked.

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