
Is it weird that I have a ear of Having childeren?

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Not the birthing expierinece but the actual being a mother. Not on whether I will be a good one or not the fear is whether I would be throwing my life away . There is so much you cannot do when you have a family and so much extra expense. Less travel, less intimacy w/your husband.... but my fiance' wants childeren. I will do it for him. I like kids. I just fear that my dreams of travel and that 'happily ever after' will be ruined by screaming rambunctious childeren whose favorite question is "why?"




  1. If you do not want kids, you should not have them.  Do not have kids to satisfy a partner.  Gez.  You have to respect yourself more than that.

  2. im the same way i love kids but i dont want any when ur ready u would have one;...

  3. well yes asnd no children have cute moments and anoying moments

  4. I have three children and me and my hubby still have plenty of intamcy still travel sometimes with the kids and sometimes we leave the kids with granparents and go off on our own we actually have a stronger bond now that we have our babies

  5. Don't have kids if you don't want them 100%.  It is not fair to the child.

  6. It sounds like you aren't ready to have kids just yet.  If you like kids but still want to travel a bit and have romantic evenings with him, just wait a few years before starting your family.

  7. If you don't want to have children, you don't have to have them.

  8. I answered another question of yours not too long ago- as for not having kids right now, I don't think there's anything wrong with that.  You may change your mind somewhere down the road.  My husband and I were married for seven years before we decided to have a child.  Just take your time and enjoy each other's company.  It takes TWO people to agree to having a kid and only ONE to not want to.  Don't feel pressured- it's not fair to you or the baby.  Just have fun for now!  Worry about kids later!

  9. That's why you travel and do things with just your fiance beforehand!

    I refuse to get married and have kids before I see the World and experience life.

  10. Not weird at all. Parenthood is very restrictive unless you have gobs of money to go traveling and not change your lifestyle much. Having children is a big sacrifice! Developing patience is a long road.

    I would say as it's a great lesson in selflessness.... not everyone NEEDS that lesson. So do what you wish and don't feel bad about it!!

  11. having kids does take up a lot of your time, and even though i don't have any children, the joy of being a mother is supposedly wonderful. and i bet if and when you decide to have kids, you'll wonder why you ever doubted yourself. and if you are worried about the intimacy part, either send them of to grandma's for the weekend for some "alone time" with your husband or send them to their rooms and tell them not to bother mommy and daddy.

  12. haha. It sounds like a very logical fear.

  13. being a mom is the best thing in the world to me. Everyone is different. Kids may not be for everyone. If you have kids you will still be able to do things, maybe not everything you would have. Life will be rewarding in different ways then. GOOD LUCK!!!

  14. Well the problem here is you have been taught that being a mother means you are doing something less worthy that something else you may be doing.  Raising children is hardly "throwing your life away".  It is the more rewarding, demanding job a person can have.  Of course there are sacrifices that come along with it, just as there are things sacrificed with every decision we make in our life.  The key is balance, realizing that having a little of everything makes a happier life than having all or nothing.  You can travel...just not quite so often.  You and your husband will have fact, having a child with someone is a bond like no other.  Your kids don't have to be "screaming rambunctious" all the time if you teach them proper behavior.

  15. It seems like a legitimate fear.  Just because most people dream of having kids doesn't mean everyone has to.  Your fear seems completely normal to me.

  16. Its a legitimate fear. But you need to realize that you can still do all of those things with children. My children travel with me and my husband. We still have intimacy and s*x. And we still enjoy being our own people.

  17. It's true that ur life will change alot! I have a five yr old and I can't remember life alone! I don't really miss out on the partying and being able to run around with the girls! h**l I haven't been on a date in awhile but the greatest gift ever was the birth of my son! Traveling has changed a bit and I still go but he just goes with me! Why? yeah i get hit with a million of those question a day! Think about it and make sure ur ready when it comes because theres no turning back!

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