
Is it weird that i dont wanna use my coach purse?

by  |  earlier

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my dad bought me a new coach , and idk im afraid ppl will look at me like im stuck up or something, beacuse that alot of money for a purse. Should i take it back or keep it and use it?





  2. dont feel that way. every girl has at least one.

  3. keep it ! im sure it will be fine, as long as you dont give off a s****. air . im sure everyone will accept it and just be like oh thats cute I wish I had one :)

  4. keep it! i have 7 coach bags that my dad bought me and sometimes i don't want to wear them but it still keep them because you never know.

  5. I don't think I'd be concerned with appearing stuck-up, so much as I would as appearing as a complete tool. Why would you want to flaunt the fact that you so carelessly waste your money on superficial, naive things? (Or in your case, endorse such an act.) Do you enjoy being a walking advertisement for a million dollar company? These companies love people like your father; they're dumb enough to spend horrendous amounts of money on fashion.

    Why not invest that money into upgrading your car? Saving for college? Saving for expensive, nice furniture for your apartment or future house? Youth today are so naive when it comes to money and yet we wonder why this world is going into debt; it's all thanks to naive little girls who throw plastic at dumb, unclassy, impulse buys.

  6. Keep it and use it !

    I have alot of designer handbags and Ive NEVER been called stuck up!  

  7. nahh ur not stuck up, use it and since your even thinking about it means ur not stuck up. use it, let others be jealous, but dont act any diff just cuz u hav a nice designer purse

  8. Nahh be lucky you don't live where I live because here, if you DON'T have a Coach purse, you are made fun of!!!

  9. Use it. Who cares what others think.

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