
Is it weird that i share my sisters underwear?

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obviously its washed in between (that would be disgusting)... i am 15 she is almost 13. I don't know... I wonder about this sometimes. its more because we have always done it, is it dangerous or something?




  1. I think when you were alot younger, 2 or 3 it wasnt such a bad thing.. but now that your both older it dosnt seem like a very good thing to do.. sharing anyones underware to me is unsanitary even if they are washed.. (alot of people will prob disagree with me but thats just my opinion) I have three sons and even as babies I never shared their underware and now that they are older.. they each have their own drawer full of underware strickly for them.. I think you need to get your parents to buy each of you brand new underware and throw out the old ones..  

  2. ewwwwwww thats relly weird........ u can buy underwear at the drug store its cheap go buy some.............. now, becuz its not sanitary!

  3. Looks like a litle bit o L*****n goin on here!

    If she doesn't care then why should we?

  4. sure its perfectly ok i wear my moms sometimes. lol nothing wrong at all : )

  5. It's not sanitary, even if it is washed.  Sharing bras might be okay, but panties - no way.  Get your own.  Sisters don't need to share *everything*.

  6. If ya wash it then who cares, wish i had a sis :\

  7. yea it's weird,can ur parents afford to buy both of u underwear.

  8. No there is nothing wrong with it as we do the same in our family. Our family will only wear second hand clothing and shoes, including underwear. We acquire all our clothes from friends or family that no longer need them

    Then when we no longer need them, we pass them along to others who can use them. If you throw them away they benefit no one rotting in a landfill. Why waste them, the resources, and add waste to the environment. So share away as there is nothing to be embarrsed about.

    My daughter wears size small underwear she acquires from other people when she can and she is proud of it. We just wash in hot water, bleach, and dry on high heat. Hey if they fit, my daughter may buy or old ones from you.:) I hope this helps. Please read my profile if you have any more questions.

  9. I wouldn't do it - but then again, I never had a sister.

    I think sharing clothes is OK -but undergarments just sounds wrong.

  10. it is a little weird. get your own underwear drawer and tell her to get hers.

  11. you may think it's ok but studies say that saying some ones under garments can cause bad infections in your thang and can lead to discomfort. In other words ewww that's just gross. Sisters don't need to share everything clothes ok but under garments ew

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