
Is it weird that i still haven't kissed at at 16?

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I still havent kissed a girl and im 16 in less then a month!




  1. No, if you haven't kissed a girl yet, I would have thought you have respect for yourself and girls

  2. No, everybody moves at their own pace. I think it's better to take your time instead of diving right into things and then end up making a huge mistake. Good luck. =]

  3. no,its not weird.just try not to let anyone from your school know that.

  4. It's not weird. Everyone moves at their own pace.

  5. no not wierd at all i no someone that is 20 and has never kissed because he is waiting for the perfect person to kiss

  6. do u think u are ugly?

  7. Weird?  No.  Rare?  Yes.  

    Your time will come & it should be special.  I would make my 1st kiss my bride- (or husband in my case) if I had the chance to start over.

    You have plenty of other things to fret about.  Kissing isn't as important in the long run as being a man of integrity & honesty?  Bless you sweetie, Love you!

  8. no. its not weird.

    some people do stuff at a younger

    age. you will kiss a girl when its the

    right time.

  9. Fred, you are now weird.  I think you are very brave for asking, and sweet for not jsut going out and kssing somone like some guys do, and the nthey expect a 'bonus' for kissing.  I can see you are not like that, and don't yo udae change.  I know he girl t hat wants you to kiss her will be  the luckiest  girld around.  She'll knowthat you are a very honorabl e man.  Good job.

  10. It's not weird. I think that its good. Keep saving yourself for someone special. That first kiss should be something special. My first kiss was discusting, the guy was a creep who only wanted to grope me. I wish my first kiss was with someone special.

  11. No, it's not weird. I'm 14 and haven't kissed yet. You know why? Cos I'm not a sl*t like a lot of girls in my class at school. I'm wating for the right guy: smart, honest and he has to have a sense of humour.

  12. I've never kissed a boy but I'm not even 15 1/2 yet.

  13. Your future wife will really treasure it if your first kiss is with her. So keep saving it! Who cares what others think!

  14. Nope, it's not.

  15. i haven't kissed yet and i'll be 16 in 4 months. =)

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