
Is it weird to be an atheist and a Republican?

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Apparently my friends all think it's weird.




  1. Given that they are all working so hard to advance the agenda of the Prince of Darkness, I tend to assume that whatever they call themselves, they are all Satanists.

  2. a lot of the republicans I know are quite religious.  I think it's because some religions are about 100 years behind in social views, and so are the Republicans.

  3. No.  There are plenty of non-religious planks of the Republican platform, such as fiscal responsibility, states' rights, stronger military, pro-business, etc

    Also, you can be pro-life and atheistic as well.  That's not weird as there's plenty of science to support that position.

  4. I'm agnostic.

    A lot of us neoconservatives are pretty atheistic ourselves, just don't tell anyone! I'm actually more of a business conservative and for a strong foreign policy. I care about moral issues too (pro-life, against affirmative action, against g*y marriage), even though I'm not religious.

    Actually I think a lot of Republicans aren't as religious as the people who vote them.

  5. yes because its actually even less common than a muslim republican because the idea of atheism is something new and different, well it started from the communists in russia and then spread world wide

    personally i believe people are born non religious and then converted

    some muslims are friends with very rich republicans so they become republican

    usually atheists are very liberal because their religion doesn't make them go against g*y people and other stuff

  6. Of course it's weird when your average republican is a bible humper.  

  7. Yes. It's weird to hear that there is such an idiot in America.

  8. It's not unheard of but I would call it weird. The Republican Party is often associated with Christians, specifically Protestants and evangelicals

    But tell me this, if you are an atheist Republican, how do you feel about g*y marriage...?

  9. i am without religion and a firm conservative.  the two are not mutually exclusive.  that is why we need to listen to more than abc, cbs, nbc for our daily dose of news.

  10. No. I just think it's weird to be an atheist. I think everyone should have something greater than themselves to look up to.

  11. They're a theocratic party!  It's like a black person belonging to the KKK!

  12. Not weird... and maybe even a little more honest...

    We need more Atheist Republicans to avoid living in a Theocracy, if you ask me...

  13. I'm not very religious myself and am a Republican.

    I'm a "National Security" "Fiscal resposnsibilty" " Law&Order" kind of guy. The dems are way out of touch on these areas.

  14. Let me say first that I am not an atheist, but I am a Republican.

    If you think about it in a completely logical manner, it would seem like Republicans should be overwhelmingly atheists.  Republicans typically are very realistic about what government can and cannot do and the results of so-called social programs to the detriment of the country and the individual.  It would seem that this type of outlook would mesh perfectly with being an atheist.  So, why doesn't it?  Why do the touchy feely crowd deny deity?  Maybe if you explored this further, you might change your mind about one or the other.

  15. nothing wrong with it at all.

  16. I find it very weird that an atheist supports a political party that is backed by the Religious Right, a political party that wants to make laws based on Christianity.

    Yes, it is weird.

  17. Not at all.

    People have painted the Republicans as all church going religious fanatics...

    We're not.

    I have a friend who is hard core Republican and he is agnostic.  I know g*y Republicans, Asian republican, Black Republicans and even a "punk" Republican.

    h**l I am a Hispanic non-practicing Catholic and I am an unapologetic Republican.

    The ideas of Republicanism are based in politics not religion.  Your friends are ignorant of what a Republican is, and not to offend it is not surprising.  People on sites like these, in schools and on the media like to paint us all as white, privileged, church going, gun toting mouth breathers who want to drag the US in to the dark ages.  And thats total bunk.

    If your friends think it's weird, correct them.  learn to express why your a Republican and explain why it is not weird.  That's what I had to do.

    Anyhow best of luck to you.

  18. Yes actually

  19. Yes.

    But not nearly as weird as the idea of the Log Cabin Republicans. Talk about outcasts at your own party.

  20. yes i think its wierd to be an atheist . it just doesnt make sense, as we all have seen, what happens to leaders of nations who deny the existance of God, they fall! Any leader in the past that has subscribed to being an atheist has met his doom.  

  21. Not weird for me. I consider myself mostly Republican, although I disagree with a good portion of their values so maybe I'm an Independent... nevertheless I categorize myself as a Republican.

  22. Not if you like the dark side.

  23. No, I am a non religious fiscal conservative. I also have voted for Independents and Democrats. It's about the individual not the party!

  24. An Atheist is one who knows there is no higher power.

    Thous of us who know physics,knows there is no God.

    Albert Einstein.

  25. better that than claiming that God has sanctified you in going to war as GWB did.

  26. Be what you want your political views don't have to reflect your spiritual aspects.  

  27. It's not weird, it's just atypical.  

  28. Well...are you more of an atheist or more of a Republican?

    Perhaps your not really an just have not found a religion that speaks to you yet...Most Republicans vote you agree?

    Why are you an atheist?  I ask because for some spiritual reason...I do not believe you are an atheist...I am sorry but you kind of give it away in your capitalize Republican but not atheist...I am sorry if I offended you but you question your own believe system...what feels "wrong" being a republican or an atheist...or both.

    I will pray that you find the answer that God wants you to find.  

  29. Sounds like you have a bunch of narrow minded friends who put labels on people and are dazed and confused when they discover people are more complex.

  30. How many Republicans ( or Democrats for that matter) who claim to be religious, actually practice what they preach. At least your honest. That will get you closer to heaven (just in case) than going to church every week anyhow.

  31. not at all... you have  a postion and stick by it... you don't believe in a higher power. bottom line.  it would be weird, however,  if you were an agnostic and Republican... you would be a flip flopper and therefore a know, you believe whatever works best for you at the time.

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