
Is it weird to be only interested in chinese girls?

by Guest21456  |  earlier

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if not chinese i like small asian girls..i'm a guy btw don't mind the picture




  1. No, not at all.

    Its normal actually, everybody has different taste than others.

  2. no there's no problem with that. Everyone has their preferences.  

  3. Extremely.  Jump off the highest point of elevation you can find.

  4. i guess its okay if you like the small tight va-jay-jays have fun with them

  5. no its just a preference

    like tall guys, muscular guys, black guys, blonde haired

    nothing wrong with that =]

  6. I have got a thing for Asian girls too. They are so cute.  

  7. It's certainly weird to /only/ be interested in them, but asians are rather attractive in both male and female (I'm not bi or a l***o, but I think they're adorable). If you prefer that above all else (like I like white guys), that's fine, but don't make it your only option.

  8. kinda 2 me chinese girls R hot but I also like others.

  9. No it's just your preference of who ur attracted to it's not weird

  10. no, not at all because that is just your type.  nothing is weird about it

  11. alright its u r decision. its weir ifu  think it is. dont cause wht ppl say.  

  12. Nope, everybody has their own preferances.

  13. i don't think so.

    i only like azn guys.

  14. Weird? Maybe, but there's nothing wrong with it. There's so many beautiful women out there of different nationalities though. Restricting yourself to Asian girls may be short changing yourself.  

  15. Must be the Olympics influence?  

  16. i prefer mexicans and im white. but im also straight. idk if thats a factor...

  17. Whatever floats your boat. Frankly, so long as your not into animals or children, its all good in my eyes.

  18. i like the ones that don't speak good english

  19. Not weird at all.Just a preference.

  20. everyone has their preference. Mine seems to be hispanic guys.

  21. nah itsnot everyone has different tast and your tast is chinese girls bcuz of there bods lol

  22. ahh i have that too and no its not weird dont worry bout it

  23. No, not at all.. I like spanish guys, is that weird?

  24. Not at all, why would there be? I love asian woman!!! Past three girl friends have been asian.

  25. no because they are major freaks

  26. I have a better question:

    why is your picture a girl?

  27. yeah i have a thing for them too, they are so cute and their personality is calm and peaceful

  28. So you say you are a guy that uses a female avatar and asking questions about being attracted to girls and asking your question under g*y and lesbien heading.

    What's going on friend?

  29. There is nothing wrong with it. You can't help who you are attracted to. As long as you are happy who cares if people think it's weird.

  30. lmao, i was thinking 'is this person a L*****n?' =P

    but no, there is nothing wrong with it.

    a lot guys only like aisian chics.

    hope i helped. <3

  31. wow!!..thanks I'm an Asian girl (btw)..

    well i think being interested in Chinese girls is just normal..

    its like having a crush with your best  ~_^

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