
Is it weird to contact old teachers?

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I'm graduating this year :( and I would like to stay in touch with my teachers. I have no problem asking to stay in touch with my friends, but it seems a little wird to stay in touch with teachers? Do you think it's weird? If not, should I ask them, or get their e-mail adress off of a school website and be like: "SURPRISE! Guess who?"




  1. No. It's not weird at all. I go to a small private school and the students are all really close to our teachers. Plus, lots of former students always come back and visit teachers, younger friends, etc... You should definitely ask for their email addresses as it would let them know that you plan on keeping contact in the future. Teachers, especially ones you have had good relationships with in the past, love to hear from their former students and to hear that they are doing well. My sister graduated 4 years ago (we go to the same school) and my teachers are always asking how's she doing in college, etc...

  2. ha WTF

  3. I would think they would be flattered that you thought enough to want to stay in touch.  I had an English teacher in 9th grade whom I still think about from time to time.  I never stayed in touch or let her know how much I appreciated her as a teacher.  But I would think from time to time it would be nice to send a message to them.  They are doing a job (Yes) but your staying in touch (even if only for a bit) would be a ton of satisfaction to them.  Enjoy life and think twice before you make those really important decisions in life.

  4. It might seem a bit strange but if you are very close a email once in a while would be okay but i think you should ask. Not surprise them  

  5. If you get on with the teachers, then no it's not weird.  If you hardly speak to them as it is, then yeah it would be and you'll probably not keep in touch after you leave anyway.

  6. well i used to do that with one of my old teachers because the was the best teacher ever, i dont anymore

    but hey if u liked that teacher then y not

  7. Yeh.... I'm gratuating this year too and I'd find it a bit weird

  8. i am 47, graduated from high school in 1979. i still keep in touch with a few of my teachers. one is still a best friend. even better, i am friends with my SECOND grade teacher.  

  9. Only if you are of legal age when you send the message, then they may want to "hook up"

  10. This is coming from a high school teacher.  I have many students who keep in contact with me -- they either e-mail or even stop by after school or during lunch (only at school though - no home visits).  It is very flattering to have former students keep in touch.  My only warning would be to keep it on school grounds or through e-mail.  Also, remember that we have lives, so keep the visits short -- it's hard for us to tell former students we don't have time to talk to them.

  11. I think an e-mail would be okay, but don't call or visit them.  You have to remember they have over 100 students a year and it might be quite annoying if students are calling all the time.  At least with an e-mail, they can choose to read it.  I actually just e-mailed one of my college professors, and she replied, but I wouldn't take it personally if they don't.

  12. its okay to say hi but dont stalk them or become friends or anything. thatd b a little weird.

  13. No harm in asking.  I did it when I left highschool.  Still keep in touch with a couple periodically.  If the teacher meant something to  you then why not.  They find it flattering that you think so well of them and are always happy to hear how well you're doing.

  14. Staying in touch with your teachers is not weird, assuming that you are on friendly terms with them.

    Ask the teacher in question how he feels about it. Of course he/she can't very well just come out and say no but if they are reluctant to give you their e-mail address or someway to contact them don't push the issue.

    Most teachers enjoy hearing from former students occasionally to see how things are going for you. As long as you don't become a pest or a stalker it can be a treat for both of you.

    I personally stayed in contact with a few of my high school and college teachers and in several cases we developed adult friendships that lasted for the rest of our lives. In fact my high school Spanish teacher was a guest at my wedding, I was in the wedding party of my football coach, and was the pall bearer at the funeral of the head of my college's computer learning department.

    Just be sincere and don't put anybody on the spot.  

  15. There's nothing wrong with that. My first year of college, I was in a higher-level Spanish class and was TERRIFIED of it. I ended up doing great, so I sent my high school Spanish teacher a card (in the mail), telling her how I did and telling her that I wouldn't have experienced that success without her help. She wrote me a letter back saying how touched she was, and asked what it was specifically that helped, so that she could continue to do it or make changes if she needed to.

    Also, I'm a brand new teacher myself. And even though I'm just starting out, I have heard from so many teachers that they love to hear how their students are doing. And I hope that my students keep in touch in me. I would love it! Remember, teachers are there because they care about students. And that caring doesn't stop after you graduate. So maybe just send an email or a nice card or letter from time to time. But send it to them at school.

  16. return for homecomming and football or baseball games, there it wouldnt be awkward or wierd to say hi and have conversations and catch up on whats happened, e-mail would work to as long as you're not a creeper and constantly pestor them

  17. It is not weird.  I graduated from high school 44 years ago and am still in contact with one teacher (who is almost 91) that I had all four years.  In fact, not only is it not weird, I think it is a good idea.  If you need a letter of reference for a job while you are in college, your high school teachers may actually know you better than your college teachers who often have many more students than high school teachers.  High school teachers may also be better equipped to provide a personal reference, i.e. one on your integrity, honesty, etc.

  18. Yes.  By all means, stay in contact.  Just do it via e-mail or by visiting campus...that would be the most appropriate way to do it.

  19. not at all. ask them tho.

  20. i don't think its weird at all.

    what you should do thought, is e-mail them every now and then, updating them on how it's going (don't be too detailed) and then ask them about their students and how their class is doing.

    just don't e-mail them like...really often. that could be a little weird.

  21. no it isn't weird

    it would be a better idea to exchange emails with them directly. If you add each other to your address books you won't get spammed!

    teachers are use to old students coming by and saying hello after they graduate.

  22. no it isn't weird i still do that with my middle school and high school teachers and i graduated 2 years ago.  

  23. Not really just dont e-mail them like three days later let some time pass and then e-mail them again they like that kinda stuff especially if you're doing well.

  24. It's not weird at all. You can just ask them for their email addresses and if they liked you at all then they will probably give them to you. I think its cool that you wanna stay in contact with your teachers. I hope to keep in touch with a few of my teachers too. It may come off as a little geeky but who cares. Certainly not the teachers. They like hearing from old students and I don't think they find it annoying at all.

  25. I think you should ask them, but either way, its normal to contact them. I mean they were you're teachers. :)  

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