
Is it weird to go to a restaurant just for dessert?

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I wanna go out with my date tonight for dessert. I live in the Metropolitan Toronto Area and we've exhausted all 2 dessert specialty places here.

is it weird to go into a restaraunt, sit down and just order from thier dessert menu? Does that p**s off you waitstaff out there?




  1. Naw,I used to ride my Harley from San Diego to Los Angles just for a cup of coffee or a beer.A'int nothin strange about that.Take a trip over to up state New York and try there.Toronto is a big city,hard to believe all the desert houses have been tried.I helped haul the Cirq.Du Soleil up there so been there and done it.Happy trails.

  2. no it is not weird, my friends and i go for dessert, coffee and talk, just leave a good tip

  3. lol no

  4. Not weird at all.  We do that once in a while.  Never enough room for dessert after a full meal.  So sometimes we go in late just for dessert and tea.

    The bill is usually smaller, so we leave extra "table rent" out of consideration for the server.

  5. No way. There are places with great dessert where the food is mediocre. Why would you eat dinner there when you can eat something you like, then go there and get dessert. The owner isn't likely to complain, business is business.

  6. I know of a number of places within 10 miles of where I live where the desserts are all works of art. No, they do not mind. One even specializes in dessert and the main menu is good but more of an afterthought. I am sure there are some places which will not exactly be pleased that you are there only for dessert. In that case, just leave a big tip and they'll get over it. Not to worry. These people are in business, competition for your dining dollar, and they know which side of the bread the butter goes on. Just make it clear up front, and simply tell them you are there for dessert and maybe ask for a recommendation.

  7. Its not weird to go to a restaurant for dessert.

    A good way to put yourself at ease and get good service is to tell the server or maitre'd that you've read some great testimonials about their dessert and that you want to review their featured dessert. The person might just think that your a food critic and give you great service.

  8. Why should it , it is a service . That is a job they choose , I'am sure that they no there will be times that will happen . Alot of people just go for coffee/ desert .

  9. Why would that p**s them off? You're still paying.

  10. ummm well thats kinda wierd!

    i mite if i wanted 2 juss go 2 eat dessert than i will probably go 2 a ice cream place. sooo i hope that helps u!!

  11. my Sister in Law loves to do that..  her idea of a great treat is dessert and my brother's is usualyl appetizers so they go and each get what they like..

  12. No, it's not weird at all and who cares what the waitstaff thinks

  13. I don't think the restaurant cares, they just want your money, they don't care what you order. Just tip normally and be on your way, if that's all you want, then that's all you want. It's perfectly ok.

  14. um im going to go with a bog fat no. its not weird at ALL...

  15. I just tell the wait staff that I'm having a glass of water and dessert and I'll tip accordingly.

  16. Who cares what the waitstaff thinks! I think it's a fabulous idea! Dessert is the best part of a meal anyhow :)

  17. No it's not,    especially if that restaurant has a great dessert that you absolutely adore.

    Bon appetit.

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