
Is it weird to have a have a sibling that is 15 years older than you?

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Is it weird to have a have a sibling that is 15 years older than you?




  1. My brothers are 12 & 9 years older than I am. I think it’s the best of both worlds. I have siblings, but they were out of the house before I was 10 so I also got to grow up with many of the perks of being an only child – fewer fights, not having to share the bathroom, my parent’s undivided attention.  I wouldn’t want to change my situation at all!

  2. No its not my brothers are 14 and 16 years younger than me i love it ...right now they are 11 and 9...  I am 26...   my kids are 6 and 3...Its so much fun my brothers come over and play with my kids so they always have friends to play with....Plus were really close i am so glas i have them...Could never imagine my life without them!

  3. My little sister is about 30 years younger than her oldest brother. Her father is 60 years older than her...YUCK!

    My father is 54 years older than me...My mom liked older men, I guess...eww.

  4. No its not weird, but not very common. I have four older sisters and my Eldest is 13 years my senior... Funny enough shes the one that I most look like and take after.  

    Our little brother is 17 years different than our eldest sister.

    My little Newphews sister is 9 years older than him.

  5. Unusual, but not weird.

  6. its not weird at all

    ♥ I'm 12 years older than my brother

    ♥ my cousin is 19 years older than her brother

    godd question tho

  7. I was 13 years older than my brother, but he died. It wasn't wierd. I liked having a new little brother. I wish he was still alive today.

  8. No. Why   would it be weird?....strange question.

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