
Is it weird to have dreams about your teacher??

by  |  earlier

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ive been having dreams about my teacher for months now.. they started when i found out he had colon cancer... is it weird?? i really care about him and he is really important to me! i need answers! its been driving me crazy for a long time now!




  1. i think its just cause your really worried about him you tend to think about him alot when your about to sleep that you have dreams about him. i dont think its werid at all its just your conserning. hope i could help. and sorry about your teacher... :[

  2. Usually your dreams are about something that you think of right before you fall asleep. If you are worrying about him right before you fall asleep, your mind usually will have that person in your dreams. It's not weird, its just how the brain works:)

    I hope i helped..

    And i hope your teacher gets better.

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