
Is it weird to kiss your parents good night as an adult?

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I'm 18, and I still kiss both of my parents good night every night and good-bye when ever we part company. It's not weird in my family, (partially because we're Italian) and all of my siblings do the same, but is that weird for other people?




  1. No, it's not at all.  My oldest is 28 years old and even though I'm not there with him every phone conversation is a "I love you and a smack in the phone so we know we are giving kisses.  All 5 of my kids do this and the youngest is 16.

  2. I'd say that's normal.  They're your parents; to them, you'll always be thier little baby.

    BTW I'm Italian too, and I kiss my parents good night.

  3. nah it's pretty normal

  4. It is absolutely not weird! It's wonderful! If more family's weren't afraid to show their affection for each other, this world would be a much warmer place.

  5. Nope.

    Never stop hugging or kissing your parents goodnight.

    There may come a night when you can't anymore and you will miss it very much!

  6. we italians are naturally affectionate people so kissing your parents and family good night seems normal to me (tiamo)

  7. No. To some other people and cultures it may be weird but its not. Like you see people air kiss each other on tv when they meet each other so... Its just a way to show love. Nothing weird about it.  

  8. NO.

    Well, i'm not quite 18 as yet and I'm still in highs school but last year when my dad used to drop me off t school, I'd kiss him right on the cheek and I wasn't embarrassed one bit. I do the same with my mom. They're my parents, it may seem a little childish but I love them and that's how I show my love.

  9. not at all.  i think its sweet. :)))

  10. Hi, what a lovely close family. You've got it just right. My family is British and my children think it's perfectly natural  to kiss and hug me, even in public. I have 3 girls and 5 boys ranging from 21 years of age down to 2. I think families that don't behave this way are strange and I even feel a little sorry for them. Best wishes, Clare.

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