
Is it weird to like a younger guy?

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I am a senior in highschool and seventeen years old. The guy is a junior and sixteen years old.

Is that weird/creepy?




  1. not at all many girls marry younger boys and 9 to 12 years difference is ok

  2. Not at all I am 14 and i like a 13 year old just go for it

  3. Its not weird. Its just rare to find a younger guy dating older girl in High school.

    Aim a senior at my school.

  4. Heh, I was TOTALLY in your seat last year, I was a senior, cute junior in my physics class, but I wasn't sure if he'd think I was creepy or not if I pursued him, but, seriously, take the chance.  It's not weird, especially if it's only one year.  

    Honestly? He will be FLATTERED by getting attention from a senior girl, and as far as other people around school go, well, in my case anyway, people didn't bat an eyelash about the age, they were just a little surprised that I actually was dating!

  5. Not unheard of, but it's a little different. Usually it's the guy who's a year or two older than the girl.

  6. its totally cool...go for it

  7. Nope, perfectly if he was a freshmen...that'd be a little odd...but don't let the standards of others keep you from what your heart desires!

  8. Heck no it isn't. It isn't weird at all. Just talk to him and flirt with him and maybe it will turn into something. It is okay though.

  9. Not weird at all. Too much younger might be a different story at your age but the ages you are now is cool.

    My husband is 7 1/2 years younger than me and we have been together for 14 years now. He was 21 and I was almost 29 when we got together.

  10. 1 or 2 years older doesnt matter. i think more then that is pedofilia

  11. Not at all - The laws of attraction do not recognise age differences as long as both parties are consensual.

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