
Is it weird to not want a husband or a boyfriend?

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I am in my thirties. I like hanging out with guys every now and then but don't want or search for a lover. I don't sleep with anyone and if anything back away from most relationships.




  1. No, it's not. I am like that, but I am in high school, haha. No, I think it's a good path to follow. Wait until you fall in love with someone and then think about marriage. You don't have to get married, you can just mingle with your boy friends if that's how you like it.

  2. Are you happy with that?

    If yes, then you are picking something which makes you happy, so that is normal.

    If no, then you are picking something which makes you miserable, which is a problem for you.

  3. Nothing wrong with that. Some people might find it freakish, but that's their own insecurity. It's good that you're content on your own.

  4. That's totally ok ur still young.  So it's fine. Enjoy life and just hang with the girls.  

  5. Heck no...nothing weird about that.  You are one of the smart ones, girl!

  6. Is there a reason you don't want one. Lack of trust, or being hurt? If you are happy and happy with things being that way..  I would say no. But I am guessing since you are asking the question.. Either someone in your life thinks it weird... or you don't understand why you like being alone?

  7. Nah.  Not everybody is cut out for the couples life.  And some people are more choosey and don't just jump on the next person that smiles their way.  Maybe you are g*y, sometimes women don't realize it until their 30s or 40s even.  But maybe you are just self sufficient.  Sharing life with the right person is better than great I can tell you..  but it is hard to find that right person because most people havent' been taught how to look.

  8. Being sexually attracted to a cactus would be weird....

    Or being sexually attracted to Michael Jackson (at least Michael Jackson NOW and not back when he still looked human)

    You may be slightly out of the ordinary in this respect but it doesn't mean you're some sort of socially defective freak. Just means you either have no desire for that type of relationship for some reason or other.

    It's not a huge deal as long as it's not causing a void in your life that you feel the need to fill with harmful substitutes like drugs, alcohol, excessive spending (like our govt) or pyromania (quit starting fires :P )

    So as long as you're a reasonably happy individual....I wouldn't worry about it. Chances are you're just too mature for the stupidity that the dating scene typically brings. This either means you are meant to be single for a while, or you're just patiently waiting without worrying in the least bit....till your special someone finally comes along. Honestly....that's the best way to go anyways. Don't waste your time with a bunch of losers.....because when the right one does come along you don't want to be tied down to a Mr Wrong.

  9. i don't think it should be a problem....probably u are just busy with your life......try dating a guy and see if u're really not at all interested ....

  10. No its not weird at all,some people don't even want kids(like me kind of)..

  11. Uh, I see absolutely nothing wrong with that...

    Woo! Independence!

  12. Nope that's just what works for you - very sensible in some ways though I think I would get too lonely!


  13. maybe u are a L*****n

  14. Yes it is weird unless you are a L*****n.

  15. I dont think its weird to not want to get married in fact one of my best friends doesnt want to either.And to want to be single isnt weird either.

  16. nothing is weird about that.. :) enjoy!

  17. No it's not weird, to me it sounds like you just like your space, and you are an independant lady, and there's nothing wrong with that.

  18. not really

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